On Wed, Mar 31, 1999 at 11:33:42PM +0200, Joergen Persson wrote:
> Hi List
> I've started to get repeated stochastic disturbance in my outgoing mail.
> Any idea where to look for the problem?
> I'll get the following errors from nearby servers:
> Sorry,_I_wasn't_able_to_establish_an_SMTP_connection._(#4.4.1)/
> Sorry,_I_couldn't_find_any_host_named_efd.lth.se?._(#5.1.2)/
> Connected_to_192.138.110.253_but_connection_died._(#4.4.2)/
> I've checked the nameservers and they seem ok. I'm currently looking for
> some sort of regularity - might be something about my lists (Ezmlm-idx).

Here's my interpretation of these messages:

Sorry,_I_wasn't_able_to_establish_an_SMTP_connection: qmail was unable to
establish an SMTP connection.

Sorry,_I_couldn't_find_any_host_named_efd.lth.se?: qmail couldn't find any host
named efd.lth.se?.

Connected_to_192.138.110.253_but_connection_died: qmail connected to, but the connection died.

In other words, the messages mean exactly what they say, and would seem to
indicate temporary problems on the remote end of the connection (except for the
one about the host named efd.lth.se?, which shouldn't be a surprise).

If every connection to every host failed, I'd suspect a local machine or
network problem. But you should expect sporadic instances of these errors.


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