On Thu, Jan 07, 1999 at 06:05:22PM -0800, Seek3r wrote:
> @        IN      CNAME   www.ntmasters.net.
> @        IN      MX      10      mail
> www    IN      A
>             IN      MX
> mail     IN      A
>             IN      MX      10      mail
> OK, so your saying that the first line here needs to go....
> I have this here in case someone goes to http://ntmasters.net it will
> properly take them to http://www,ntmasters.net Im not sure this is critical,
> but I guess I have to remove it to make the email work properly.

It mustn't be a CNAME. Just change it to an A record:

@       IN      A

Then http://ntmasters.net will still work, and your MX record won't be hidden
by the CNAME.

Also, the MX record for www shouldn't be pointing to an IP address--it has to
point to a host name (but that's a separate issue).

> What about the other question I had, it would also solve this....
> I want @anything.myvirtualdomain.com to get recieved, my virtualdomains file
> is like this
> myvirtualdomain.com:seek3r
> I read somewhere that I could put a dot in front of it like this:
> .myvirtualdomain.com:seek3r
> Any ideas about this?

I don't have any virtual domains like this, but according to the qmail-send man
page it should work that way. Have you tried it? If so and it doesn't seem to
work, can you provide any details?


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