its stuff like this that bugs me, about rpm. and its why I always compile from 
source.yeah, I gave you the wrong answer. my apologies. 

On Sat, Jan 09, 1999 at 12:50:12PM -0500, bob wrote:
-} --force command results in same error message.
-} Bob
-} Mark Luntzel wrote:
-} > try rpm -U --force /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/i386/qmail-1.03-6.i386.rpm
-} >
-} > the force is cool.
-} >
-} > On Sat, Jan 09, 1999 at 11:14:39AM -0500, bob wrote:
-} > -}
-} > -} I get the following error installing qmail-1.03-6.i386.rpm  (rpm -U
-} > -} /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/i386/qmail-1.03-6.i386.rpm)
-} > -}
-} > -} failed dependencies:
-} > -}                 sendmail conflicts with qmail-1.03-6
-} > -}
-} > -} I have read FAQ's ,various install docs and searched qmail archives.  I
-} > -} found 1 reference to this problem and the sender
-} > -} was made to feel stupid because they didn't understand that sendmail rpm
-} > -} package must be removed not installed with
-} > -} the --force param.
-} > -}
-} > -} I have done the following:
-} > -} - uninstalled sendmail-cf rpm package
-} > -} - stopped sendmail (ntsysv)
-} > -} - mv /etc/   /etc/
-} > -} - rebooted my server
-} > -} - ps x        indicates that sendmail is not active
-} > -} - executed previous rpm command with same results.
-} > -}
-} > -} Please reply to news group and my email address.
-} > -}
-} > -} TIA
-} > -} Bob
-} > -}
-} > -}
-} > -}
-} >
-} > --
-} > -mark


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