On Thu 1999-04-08 (11:56), John Grant wrote:
> >On Thu, 8 Apr 1999, John Grant wrote:
> >
> >> So, is anybody using XMIT ? Since it's a standard feature in qpopper I
> would
> >> hope that someone is doing this...
> >
> >it may be a standard feature in qpopper, the issue here is that it's not
> >part of the POP standard, and so most mail clients don't seem to support
> >it. Hence, since none of my users is clamouring for it there's no point in
> >me spending time on it.
> This to support our remote users who often end up on other companies'
> networks. Many companies now use firewalls to redirect outgoing port 25
> traffic that is not from a 'known' mailhost to the internal mail host for
> processing.
> We want our remote users to be able to send email with our company domain
> name on it, without a) having to have customer firewalls reconfigured, or
> b)leaving our mail server open as a spam relay.
> So it looks like I'll be redoing the patches (and of course posting the
> results).

>From www.qmail.org:

  DJB has three suggestions for allowing your users to relay when they're not
  at a known IP address (which is the FAQ 5.4 solution): 

    Use a secret IP address and port number, and you'll have much better
    security than user-chosen passwords.
    Put a secret string into the HELO string sent by the client.  This will
    be visible to the fixup script, so you can reject messages with bad
    passwords without changing qmail-smtpd---and it's still more widely
    supported than XTND XMIT.
    Oh, you want real security? Check that all messages are PGP-signed by
    local users. I wouldn't be surprised if PGP plugins are available for
    more clients than XTND XMIT patches are. 

I'm sure you can see how Dan feels about it :-)
  - Keith
Keith Burdis - MSc (Com Sci) - Rhodes University, South Africa  
WWW     : http://www.rucus.ru.ac.za/~keith/
IRC     : Panthras                                          JAPH

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