>>>40000 e-mail addresses would make for some small problems ...
>>>have to split it up somewhat, I'd say.
>>Incorrect. This is precisely how a "serious mailing-list" does it. Namely 
>>ezmlm. Admittedly via qmail-queue, but the queue insertion costs and 
>>sequences are the same.
>I didn't go to the bottom of recipient parsing in qmail-inject,
>but putting 40000 e-mail addresses on the command line is
>obviously not possible.  Making a file representing a message
>with 40000 recipients in Bcc for the sole purpose of catting it
>to qmail-inject seems unreasonable. Using qmail-queue seems more

Really? Why? Did you measure the difference? qmail-inject opens a pipe to 
qmail-queue - once per invocation. You're saying that one extra fork/exec 
for the insertion and delivery of 40K recipients is significant? I'd like to 
see the numbers on that rather than rely on a "seems more reasonable" analysis.

By my reckoning the difference is, oh, 1 extra/fork exec in a pool of some 
500,000 system calls of which at least 40,000 are opens and at least 40,000 
are fsync calls and at least 80,000 are socket calls. I'd be very surprised if 
you could measure the difference above the noise.

>>You miss the point entirely. A spammer can get better "performance" 
>>precisely because they don't need to worry about such things. A real list 
>>cannot - as you re-state.
>So why did I miss the point, then?  Spammers get better
>performance by implementing the shortcuts discussed, a serious
>mailing-list can't use all of them, but can use some, which I

They're not shortcuts, they are a change in functional requirements. If the 
original poster can live with those changes, then he should purchase one of 
the spammer programs that are written solely to blast out a list and 
*nothing else*.

As many people have repeatedly stated, qmail is a generalized MTA that is 
not as well adapted to offering those particular changes in functional 
requirements and I suspect it never can be. It may get more efficient at 
offering the current functions of course and that's what zeroseek is all about.

Even then, the imposition of maintaining a queue such as that which qmail 
has to do means that it can never run at the same speed as a system without 
a queue such as a spam program.


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