On Thu, 15 Apr 1999, Dinesh Punjabi wrote:

> Hello! 
> I can't get qmail to process messages. They seem
> to pile up in the queue and niether qmail-tcpok
> or kill -ALRM seems to help. Any ideas, help will
> be appreciated.
> messages in queue: 24
> messages in queue but not yet preprocessed: 0

My first thought was the trigger file had bad permssions, but it
appears to be OK.

What does qmail-showctl say wrt concurrency? Mine says:

    qmail-showctl | grep concurr
    silent concurrency limit: 120.
    concurrencylocal: (Default.) Local concurrency is 10.
    concurrencyremote: (Default.) Remote concurrency is 20.

According to your mail log snippet, you seem to have the default
remote concurrency of 20

    Apr 15 19:04:55 solstice qmail: 924217495.410642 status: local 10/10
    remote 7/20

How long are the 7 running remote processes staying around? It could
be that you've got some very large messages being delivered which are
filling up the 20 available qmail-remote slots. Until these processes
finish, no more mail will be delivered?

What does qmail-qread say? Do you have some big messages going to lots
of users? Example

    16 Apr 1999 00:14:26 GMT  #76196  1369424 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        done  remote  abc@somewhereelse
        done  remote  def@elsewhere
        done  remote  ghi@overthere
              remote  jhk@upthere
        done  remote  lmn@downthere

This 1.3Mb message has been delivered to 4 out of 5 recipients.

PS Just because qmail-smtpd accepts incoming mail does not mean it
will be delivered to remote recipients. These processes are completely
decoupled in qmail.

Peter Samuel                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Technical Consultant                        or at present:
Uniq Professional Services,                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
a division of X-Direct Pty Ltd
Phone: +61 2 9206 3410                      Fax: +61 2 9281 1301

"If you kill all your unhappy customers, you'll only have happy ones left"

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