On Fri, Apr 16, 1999 at 11:12:35AM -0400, Stanley Horwitz wrote:
> I am having trouble preventing Qmail from doing open relaying without
> stopping mail service entirely. This is on a system that runs Listserv(R)
> from the L-Soft Corporation. When I put the system's name (and aliases) in
> a rcpthosts file, open relaying stops. The problem is that no one can send
> e-mail to any account on this system. Qmail says that the sending system
> is not allowed to relay. I do not understand this. In sendmail, I can stop
> third party relaying without totally disabaling mail functionality on the
> system, but I can't figure out how to do this with qmail. The Qmail FAQ
> file was unclear on this subject, which is why I am asking here.

What do you mean by "put the system's name (and aliases) in rcpthosts"?
rcpthosts should be a list of domains for which you're willing to receive mail
via SMTP. Some of these domains might be the same as your server's name and
aliases; then again, none of them may be, and your server may have aliases for
which you don't want to receive mail.

Make sure that your rcpthosts file contains only domains that are listed in
locals or virtualdomains, and domains for which you're acting as secondary mail
exchanger. Then you will be safe from unauthorized (or for that matter, any)
relaying, and you'll still be able to receive mail for any of the domains you


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