On Mon, Apr 19, 1999 at 11:48:10AM +0200, Bart Blanquart wrote:

> > Hi. This is the qmail-send program at julia.argo.be.
> > I tried to deliver a bounce message to this address, but the bounce bounced!
> > 
> > Connected to but sender was rejected.
> > Remote host said: 501 bogus mail from
> > 
> > --- Below this line is the original bounce.
> <snip>
> I am correct in assuming that the other side is refusing these messages
> because it can't handle <> ?
> Or is there something misconfigured at my side?

That machine is running Windows IMail, which is refusing an envelope sender
of <>. It's broken. There is no misconfiguration on your side. If you want
to do something about it, write to the postmaster there and tell them to
read RFC 821 sections 5.2.9 and 5.3.3

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