you must be forgeting the dot "." in the end of the file ;) read the docs

On 19-Apr-99 Marco Leeflang wrote:
> I have to setup a lot of full-name mail users.
> example:
> marco.leeflang    >  user leem
> so i have made a file in /var/qmail/alias/.qmail-marco:leeflang with
> leem in this file.
> al works fine.
> but now i have many files and want to setup these users in the assign
> file.
> all attempts still won't work.
> When i run qmail-newu i get a syntax error message
> what is the correct syntax in the assign file when i want the above user
> syntax.
> marco leeflang

E-Mail: RaTao von J <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Date: 20-Apr-99   Time: 01:25:08

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