On Mon, 19 Apr 1999, Rick McMillin wrote:

> We're experiencing a minor problem with setting a mail client
> to leave messages on the server.  It's not even really a problem,
> just something annoying.

I've seen this too.  I believe that it has to do with clients losing track
of which messages they have downloaded, as when the client corrupts it
database of message id's.

> Anyway, when a mail client is set to leave messages on the server,
> every once in a while, it will re-receive all of the messages causing
> there to be duplicates.  When I first saw this problem myself, I was
> using Outlook Express 5.0 and thought that it was probably some
> bug in the software.  However, I'm now hearing from others that
> they are having the same problem using other clients like Eudora.
> I've checked when this has happened and everything appears to
> be fine in the cur directory.
> Has anyone else seen anything like this?
> Rick McMillin
> Network Operations Center
> I-Land Internet Services

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