On Fri, Apr 23, 1999 at 07:28:01PM +0200, Holger wrote:
> Hello all!
> I got my qmail running quite well with single user ID POP and relaying
> controlled with tcpserver. Is there any possibility to force the
> tcpserver to send a special message, when denying a connection??
> I thought of something like: Sorry, you're not allowed to relay on this
> server.

qmail-smtpd already sends this message:

553 sorry, that domain isn't in my list of allowed rcpthosts (#5.7.1)

I've always thought that was a lousy message. For one thing, "rcpthosts" isn't
a word, and the only people to whom "rcpthosts" has any significance are qmail
administrators, who are not generally the recipients of the message.

If you want to change the message to something more sensible, edit line 53 of
qmail-smtpd.c and recompile.

By the way, you said you want this sent when tcpserver is "denying a
connection." tcpserver shouldn't be denying any connections--it's qmail-smtpd,
after tcpserver has allowed the connection, that decides it doesn't want to
accept a recipient.


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