I don't know from where to begin ? 
I even rewriten the checkpassword (Perl, based on auth against Radius server
but with stripped Radius part).
SO, I get the ".............. $HOME/Maildir" error.
If I substitute the "Maildir" in /etc/rc.d/init.d/qmail-pop3d.init with the real
directory all is working fine, but the problem is that the dir must be different
for every user that initiates POP connection, but I know his name only when
the "tcpserver" executes  "qmail-popup" i.e. impossible to be included in

The other tries I've made :
with my changed script  all is working fine if I execute it directly from
console i.e. :

[root]# qmail-popup myhostname passpass 
[root]# qmail-popup myhostname passpass qmail-pop3d 
[root]# qmail-popup myhostname passpass qmail-pop3d  /mail/digicom-bg/xxx

no matter (passpass is my variant of  checkpassword) . but when the script is
executed from "tcpserver" i.e. :

[root]# telnet localhost 110

mostly I get ... "Connection closed by foreign host". And as it seems
"passpass" is never executed (I have at the begining of the script writing to
a test file, but nothing is written in it if passpass is executed via network
i.e. passpass is not started but can track why) I can't use checkpassword 'cause
I'm with shadow.    
Please help me I'm insane here, I know I'm missing something subtle.

PS. Ooops another thing, when I start /etc/rc.d/init.d/qmail-pop3d.init start
I get :

hard error
Starting qmail-pop3d .... done.

and it is really started, when I make "telnet localhost 110" qmail-popup is
invoked normaily, but after that "Connection closed by foregn host".. 

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