Eric Ess writes:

> There's a network '' which is a LAN disconnected from the Internet. We 
>would like to have a modem on the RedHat Linux + qmail 1.03 server dialup an ISP or 
>our consultancy's mail server (also RedHat 5.2 + qmail 1.03) directly and exchange 
>mail (queued email from and Internet email queued on our server) two times 
>a day. Our server has the virtual host '' The goal is to allow the users of 
> to send and receive Internet email, but only have the Linux server connect 
>twice a day. How would this be done? Could it be done using serialmail?

Configure Qmail normally, except that you'll initialize control/smtproutes
to have all non-local E-mail smarthosted through your ISP's mail server.

Then, motify the ip-up script to automatically send a SIGHUP to qmail-send
when the connection to the Internet is established, causing all pent up
E-mail to be flushed to the smarthost.


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