qmail Digest 26 Apr 1999 10:00:01 -0000 Issue 622

Topics (messages 24700 through 24714):

        24700 by: Harald Hanche-Olsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

        24701 by: "Claudiu Balciza" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        24702 by: Chris Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

headers with extra bounce
        24703 by: "<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

about forwarding different domains
        24704 by: "Claudiu Balciza" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

rblsmtpd fun
        24705 by: Doug McClure <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

*@domain1.com to *@domain2.com
        24706 by: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        24707 by: Chris Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

serialmail over ssh
        24708 by: Tommi Virtanen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Unique situation?
        24709 by: Eric Ess <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        24711 by: "Richard Shetron" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        24712 by: "Sam" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        24714 by: Chris Green <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

failed dependencies - sendmail conflicts with qmail
        24710 by: "Stephen Lavelle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        24713 by: "Sam" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


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+ John Conover <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

| How do you reconstruct /var/qmail/queue from a head crash? Will
| qmail automagically recreate the directory tree?

Run `make setup check' from the qmail source directory.

- Harald

Hi, I'm quite new to qmail

I've managed to install and configure it (1.03) for smtp.
The trouble is with pop3 (which is started :-)).

I'd like to have all mail addreses like user@domain
There is an MX record in the DNS pointing to mail.domain
I have put "domain" in control/rcpthosts and control/local
One user's entry in users/assign looks like:


Since now, users can send mail (through windows mailers) but cannot receive
it by pop3. The mail just waits in the mailbox.

What am I missing ?


On Sun, Apr 25, 1999 at 05:49:01PM +0300, Claudiu Balciza wrote:
> Hi, I'm quite new to qmail
> I've managed to install and configure it (1.03) for smtp.
> The trouble is with pop3 (which is started :-)).
> I'd like to have all mail addreses like user@domain
> There is an MX record in the DNS pointing to mail.domain
> I have put "domain" in control/rcpthosts and control/local
> One user's entry in users/assign looks like:
> =user:user:uid:gid:/home/user:::
> +user-:user:uid:gid:/home/user:-::
> =user@domain:user:uid:gid:/home/user:::
> Since now, users can send mail (through windows mailers) but cannot receive
> it by pop3. The mail just waits in the mailbox.
> What am I missing ?

All of this is irrelevant to POP3. users/assign, control/rcpthosts, and
control/local, have only to do with mail delivery, not retrieval.

What POP daemon are you using? When you say "it's started," what exactly do you
mean? What did you do to invoke it?


here's my setup.  someone sends mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] which is a
remailer which moves the mail to my geocities acct. from their fetchmail
picks it up and drops it qmail.  my problem is this.  once qmail gets a
hold of my mail, it's adding a section to the header which makes all of my
mail look like it's coming from "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" with no subject.  I
don't think the problem is with fetchmail as i have fetchmail set to not
make any changes to the headers.  any thoughts?  please cc: me at the
address below as well as sending any responses to the list. thanx :)

-matt cashner

"Windows is a 32 bit patch to a 16 bit GUI based on a 8 bit operating
system, written for a 4 bit processor but a 2 bit company which can not
stand 1 bit of competition."

I would like to know how ca I forward the mail sent to a different domain
than the one in control/defaultdomain to another host.



I'm trying to get multiple RBLs working. However the executed command:

supervise /service/qmail-smtpd tcpserver -v -x /etc/tcp.smtpd.cdb -v -u412
-g59999 0 smtp rblsmtpd -r dul.maps.vix.com rblsmtpd -r
relayips.rbl.shub-inter.net rblsmtpd -r spamips.rbl.shub-inter.net rblsmtpd
/var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd 2>&1 | /usr/local/bin/accustamp |
/usr/local/bin/setuser qmaill /usr/local/bin/cyclog -s 1000000 -n 50
/servers/log/smtpd &

Bounces *everything* like so-

1999-04-25 14:13:46.485549 tcpserver: pid 15206 from
1999-04-25 14:13:46.937439 tcpserver: ok 15206
1999-04-25 14:13:47.124150 rblsmtpd: pid 15206: 451 IP addresses of
relayers. If you've fixed your relay rules. contact us

Any ideas?


How would I can I get all the mail to any user at domain1.com to be sent to

I have tried:

| forward "$[EMAIL PROTECTED]"


Thanks for any help in advance.

On Sun, Apr 25, 1999 at 12:35:17PM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> How would I can I get all the mail to any user at domain1.com to be sent to
> domain2.com?
> I have tried:
> control/virtualdomains
> domain1.com:alias-test
> alias/.qmail-test-default
> | forward "$[EMAIL PROTECTED]"

Replace $LOCAL with $DEFAULT


        Hi. Here's a small utility I wanted to share
        (and get some peer review on;)

        Serialmail seemed to me almost ideal for dialup
        links. I never liked fetchmail.. But then again,
        fetchmail could easily operate under ssh.

        qmtpoverssh is a simple wrapper for serialqmtp
        and qmail-qmtpd that runs under maildirserial.
        It runs serialqmtp on one end but tunnels the
        connection through ssh and runs qmail-qmtpd on
        the other end (note qmail-qmtpd does not have to
        be listening on a port - it will used directly).

        Usage is like this:
maildirserial dir prefix qmtpoverssh prefix2 hostname user
        prefix and prefix2 will usually be the same;
        look at the documentation of maildirserial and 
        serialqmtp. hostname and user specify where the
        ssh connection will be made.

        You have to have RSA authentication or something
        similar for this to work. I suggest making a new
        key with an empty password and limited access.

        give qmail-qmtpd some environment variables to
        make it log information more nicely.

Havoc Consulting | unix, linux, perl, mail, www, internet, security consulting
+358 50 5486010  | software development, unix administration, training
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>

/* maildirserial [-b] [-tlifetime] dir prefix 
                 qmtpssh prefix2 host login */

#define PROGNAME "qmtpoverssh"
#define READ 0
#define WRITE 1

void fail(char *s) {
  fprintf(stderr,"%s: failure: %s\n",PROGNAME,s);
void defer(char *s) {
  fprintf(stderr,"%s: deferral: %s\n",PROGNAME,s);

int main (int argc, char **argv) {
  int pid;
  int toserial[2];
  int fromserial[2];
  if (argc<4) { fail("usage: qmtpoverssh prefix host login."); }
  if (pipe(toserial)==-1) { defer("pipe to serialqmtp failed."); }
  if (pipe(fromserial)==-1) { defer("pipe from serialqmtp failed."); }
  if (pid==-1) { defer("fork failed."); }
  if (pid==0) { /* child */
    if (dup2(toserial[READ],6)==-1) { defer("dup2 failed on stdin."); }
    if (dup2(fromserial[WRITE],7)==-1) { defer("dup2 failed on stdout."); }
    argv[0] = "serialqmtp";
    argv[2] = NULL;
    execvp("serialqmtp", argv);
    defer("exec serialqmtp failed");
  else { /* parent */
    if (dup2(toserial[WRITE],1)==-1) { defer("dup2 failed on stdin."); }
    if (dup2(fromserial[READ],0)==-1) { defer("dup2 failed on stdout."); }
    execlp("ssh", "ssh","-q",argv[2],"-l",argv[3],"/usr/sbin/qmail-qmtpd");
    defer("exec ssh failed");

There's a network 'mycom.com' which is a LAN disconnected from the Internet. We would 
like to have a modem on the RedHat Linux + qmail 1.03 server dialup an ISP or our 
consultancy's mail server (also RedHat 5.2 + qmail 1.03) directly and exchange mail 
(queued email from mycom.com and Internet email queued on our server) two times a day. 
Our server has the virtual host 'mycom.com.' The goal is to allow the users of 
mycom.com to send and receive Internet email, but only have the Linux server connect 
twice a day. How would this be done? Could it be done using serialmail?

Eric Ess

My normal thoughts would be for ETRN or UUCP.  UUCP is specifically
designed as a dialup mail/news exchange protocal.  I'm not as famalier
with how qmail would do this.

> There's a network 'mycom.com' which is a LAN disconnected from the =
> Internet. We would like to have a modem on the RedHat Linux + qmail =
> 1.03 server dialup an ISP or our consultancy's mail server (also RedHat =
> 5.2 + qmail 1.03) directly and exchange mail (queued email from =
> mycom.com and Internet email queued on our server) two times a day. Our =
> server has the virtual host 'mycom.com.' The goal is to allow the users =
> of mycom.com to send and receive Internet email, but only have the =
> Linux server connect twice a day. How would this be done? Could it be =
> done using serialmail?
> Regards,
> Eric Ess

                 What is the Meaning of Life?
There is no meaning,
It's just a consequence of complex carbon based chemistry; don't worry about it
The Super 76, "Free Aspirin and Tender Sympathy", Las Vegas Strip.

Eric Ess writes:

> There's a network 'mycom.com' which is a LAN disconnected from the Internet. We 
>would like to have a modem on the RedHat Linux + qmail 1.03 server dialup an ISP or 
>our consultancy's mail server (also RedHat 5.2 + qmail 1.03) directly and exchange 
>mail (queued email from mycom.com and Internet email queued on our server) two times 
>a day. Our server has the virtual host 'mycom.com.' The goal is to allow the users of 
>mycom.com to send and receive Internet email, but only have the Linux server connect 
>twice a day. How would this be done? Could it be done using serialmail?

Configure Qmail normally, except that you'll initialize control/smtproutes
to have all non-local E-mail smarthosted through your ISP's mail server.

Then, motify the ip-up script to automatically send a SIGHUP to qmail-send
when the connection to the Internet is established, causing all pent up
E-mail to be flushed to the smarthost.


On Sun, Apr 25, 1999 at 05:24:13PM -0700, Eric Ess wrote:
> There's a network 'mycom.com' which is a LAN disconnected from the Internet. We 
>would like to have a modem on the RedHat Linux + qmail 1.03 server dialup an ISP or 
>our consultancy's mail server (also RedHat 5.2 + qmail 1.03) directly and exchange 
>mail (queued email from mycom.com and Internet email queued on our server) two times 
>a day. Our server has the virtual host 'mycom.com.' The goal is to allow the users of 
>mycom.com to send and receive Internet email, but only have the Linux server connect 
>twice a day. How would this be done? Could it be done using serialmail?
No, it's far from unique, I mumbled on about this for quite a while a
few months ago.  No MTA is perfect for this situation but qmail is
pretty good.

My home network is called isbd.mynet and uses IP addresses in the
range 192.168.13.x, I use qmail to send and receive mail to/from an
ISP via dialup in almost the manner you describe.

The only difference in my case is that mail is sent and received
whenever the connection is brought up by another application.  I have
a patch to qmail on my system called 'holdremote' which holds mail
queued until you switch off a flag.

I can't give exact details of my setup from here as I'm at work but if
you'd like to know more then E-Mail my home address below.

  WWW: http://www.isbd.co.uk/

I am trying to install qmail on my RH5.2 (kernel 2.0.36) box using the qmail
Memphis RPM.
The 3 rpms which go with qmail (functions, daemontools & ucspi-tcp have all
installed ok
When i try and install the qmail-1.03-11ucspi.i386.rpm i get :
"failed dependencies - sendmail conflicts with qmail"
If i try to uninstalled sendmail i get:
" sendmail provides smtp daemon -
fetchmail requires smtp daemon
mutt requires smtp daemon
nmh requires smtp daemon"
I will need fetchmail to collect mail from  my isp
(note: i am not at present using the linux box for mail - but intend to)
Can any one help me with this?

Austanners Wet Blue Pty Ltd.
~ Australian Tanned Wet Blue Leather ~
110 Heales Road,
Lara, Geelong, Australia
powered by Linux

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assistance is appreciated.

Stephen Lavelle writes:

> I am trying to install qmail on my RH5.2 (kernel 2.0.36) box using the qmail
> Memphis RPM.
> The 3 rpms which go with qmail (functions, daemontools & ucspi-tcp have all
> installed ok
> When i try and install the qmail-1.03-11ucspi.i386.rpm i get :
> "failed dependencies - sendmail conflicts with qmail"
> If i try to uninstalled sendmail i get:
> " sendmail provides smtp daemon -
> fetchmail requires smtp daemon
> mutt requires smtp daemon
> nmh requires smtp daemon"
> I will need fetchmail to collect mail from  my isp
> (note: i am not at present using the linux box for mail - but intend to)
> Regards,
> Stephen
> Can any one help me with this?

You should be able to use the --force option to RPM to forcibly remove
sendmail.  After that, the Qmail rpm should install correctly.


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