Wade writes:
 > After building a new qmail server, I now have to transfer everything.  I
 > have:
 > - Stop qmail on the old server (allowing a backup server to accept mail).
 > - Transfer /home to new server:
 > - Change DNS MX records

No.  Change the MX records to the new server first.  That way, your
users won't notice a service interruption, and you don't need a backup
server.  It'll just take a little while longer for their mail to
appear.  Given that the disk takes time to read and write, there's no
alternative, unless you've been *really* anal-retentive and have
configured users or groups of users with a special name in the DNS for 
their POP/SMTP servers.  Then, you can switch users over to the new
server shortly before moving their mail over.

I've never had a customer with that much spare time, however.  :)
If they have that much spare time, they don't need to buy mine.

 > `scp -rp ..` changed all files/directories to root.root ownership.  I have
 > been told to try rsync or tar - any better ideas or is one of these the way
 > to go?

Safest thing to do is go into each user's Maildir, tar up new/ and
cur/, then restore on the new server into their Maildir's tmp/, then
rename from tmp/{new,cur}/ into new/ and cur/.

Every customer has their own idiosyncrasies.  So far I've had to cons
up a special script to move the files.  Nothing useful to share.

-russ nelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  http://crynwr.com/~nelson
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