
My smtproutes is currently as follows:


Basically, mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] is forwarded to our MS Mail
mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] should be delivered according to MX
and outgoing mail is all relayed via our ISP.

I'd like to change this so that I can specify that certain specific
addresses @eoc.org.uk should be dealt with differently with the
remainder being forwarded to the MS Mail gateway.

How would I go about doing this?

My current thinking is that I change SMTP routes so that mail for
[EMAIL PROTECTED] is delivered to host.eoc.org.uk.  Then use something
like this in .qmail-:

|condredirect robin-webmaster iftocc [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|conredirect robin-postmaster iftocc [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| forward $EXT2@$HOST@ms-mail

Am I heading in the right direction, or is there a better way?  Would
this even work ???!!!

Robin Bowes - System Development Manager - Room 405A
E.O.C., Overseas House, Quay St., Manchester, M3 3HN, UK.
Tel: +44 161 838 8321  Fax: +44 161 835 1657

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