>I've been reading the manpages for qmail and either I've missed something
>simple or done something stupid, I can'tget the vacation program to work.
>my .qmail file is:
>|/usr/local/bin/vacation multics
>messages keep getting delivered over and over again and no vacation
>message is sent out.  I've setup the .vacation.msg file and run vacation
>-I to init things.

What's probably happening is that the maildir delivery succeeds, but
the vacation delivery returned 111 (temporary failure). Each time the
delivery is retried, another copy is delivered to the maildir.

If you separate the vacation delivery to another .qmail file, e.g. in


and in .qmail-vacation:

    |/usr/local/bin/vacation multics

Then only the vacation deliveries will be retried.

Of course, you still need to figure out why the vacation deliveries
are failing.


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