Text written by Guenthner,  Ralf DIRZ  612 at 01:37 PM 4/28/99 +0200:
>I am starting qmail during system startup in conjunction with
>tcpwrappers. In the ps list is I guess because of this no running qmail
>process to be found. 

Have you tried a ps aux or a ps -ef, depending on your OS? Either way, do a
"man ps" and look for an option like "show processes of other users" or
"show all processes".

When you do a full ps listing, you'll probably want to pipe it through more
(or less).

                             Kai MacTane
                         System Administrator
                      Online Partners.com, Inc.
>From the Jargon File: (v4.0.0, 25 Jul 1996)

drop on the floor /vt./ 

To react to an error condition by silently discarding messages or
other valuable data. "The gateway ran out of memory, so it just
started dropping packets on the floor." Also frequently used of
faulty mail and netnews relay sites that lose messages.

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