qmail Digest 4 Apr 1999 10:00:01 -0000 Issue 600

Topics (messages 23897 through 23905):

maildir and "You have new mail"
        23897 by: Miquel van Smoorenburg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

MD5 in djb-c?
        23898 by: Russell Nelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

smtp-poplock problem
        23899 by: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ed Weinberg)
        23900 by: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ed Weinberg)

AOL Cname lookup failure???
        23901 by: Bill Parker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        23902 by: Chris Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        23903 by: Bill Parker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        23905 by: Keith Burdis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

qmail-pop3d and CAPA
        23904 by: Ximenes Zalteca <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


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According to Lenny Mastrototaro:
> On Apr 2, 12:19am, William Burrow wrote:
> > Subject: Re: maildir and "You have new mail"
> > 
> > Why would someone do an ls on their Maildir?  Just curious.
> I occasionally do this to find the luser with the message
> with a 20MB QuickTime attached.
> Why should I write another tool when ls(1) does the job? 

Well this would be the same as less'ing or grepping the mailbox of the
user if it was in mbox format, thereby changing the atime on the mailbox.

This would not hurt. I am only interested in a quick way for shells and
status-bars (of the window managers) to indicate when new mail arrives,
without stat()ing all files in the maildir directory constantly.

Indifference will certainly be the downfall of mankind, but who cares?

Russell Nelson wrote:
 > Has anyone coded MD5 (message digest 5) in djb-style C?

Coincidentally, Dan published http://pobox.com/~djb/hash127.html a few 
hours before I sent that message.

hash127 is nice, but unless it interoperates with other devices that
do an MD5 (in particular, Cisco's tacacs protocol, or less particular,
pop3's APOP), it doesn't do me any good.

-russ nelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  http://crynwr.com/~nelson
Crynwr supports Open Source(tm) Software| PGPok |   There is good evidence
521 Pleasant Valley Rd. | +1 315 268 1925 voice |   that freedom is the
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I am trying to get smtp-poplock working.

I currently have an RH5.2 test system set up.  I have qmail runnig and
pop3 works fine.  I use inetd (please no flames about running

I followed the install instructions and still seem to have something

If readlog is not started and email goes through qmail the fifo has
data in it.  If I start readlog, the size goes to 0.  This only
happens when sending mail through the system, not during a pop3 mail
pickup.  Nothing ever appears in /var/smtp-poplock.

I do not understand how the program will get authenticated  names from
the log.  POP3 transactions have never been logged to the maillog in
any of my installations.  Is there some switch I am missing?  Some
other entry in inetd.conf besides the SMTP stream entry?

Thanks in advance.

  --  Ed Weinberg,
      Detel, Inc., An Internet Presence Provider

On Sat, 03 Apr 1999 21:22:11 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ed Weinberg) wrote:

>I am trying to get smtp-poplock working.

One last question.

Is there an  rcpthosts file when using mtp-poplock?

  --  Ed Weinberg,
      Detel, Inc., An Internet Presence Provider

Hello All,

        I get a message from AOHell users in my /var/mail/log which states
the following:

Apr  3 13:36:19 odie qmail: 923175379.711394 starting delivery 1798:
msg 356449 to remote [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Apr  3 13:36:19 odie qmail: 923175379.711795 status: local 0/10 remote 1/20
Apr  3 13:36:19 odie qmail: 923175379.969619 delivery 1798: deferral:
CNAME_look up_failed_temporarily._(#4.4.3)/

Is there any way to correct this problem w/o taxing myself to death?

They are AOL users ya know..:)


On Sat, Apr 03, 1999 at 02:21:31PM -0800, Bill Parker wrote:
> Hello All,
>       I get a message from AOHell users in my /var/mail/log which states
> the following:
> Apr  3 13:36:19 odie qmail: 923175379.711394 starting delivery 1798:
> msg 356449 to remote [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Apr  3 13:36:19 odie qmail: 923175379.711795 status: local 0/10 remote 1/20
> Apr  3 13:36:19 odie qmail: 923175379.969619 delivery 1798: deferral:
> CNAME_look up_failed_temporarily._(#4.4.3)/
> Is there any way to correct this problem w/o taxing myself to death?

There are a couple of things you can do. One is to patch qmail with one of the
large DNS packet patches, which you'll find on the qmail web site. The other,
easier thing to do is to look up the mail exchangers for aol.com and stick one
of them in your smtproutes file, like so:



>> Apr  3 13:36:19 odie qmail: 923175379.711394 starting delivery 1798:
>> msg 356449 to remote [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> Apr  3 13:36:19 odie qmail: 923175379.711795 status: local 0/10 remote 1/20
>> Apr  3 13:36:19 odie qmail: 923175379.969619 delivery 1798: deferral:
>> CNAME_look up_failed_temporarily._(#4.4.3)/
>> Is there any way to correct this problem w/o taxing myself to death?
>There are a couple of things you can do. One is to patch qmail with one of
>large DNS packet patches, which you'll find on the qmail web site. The other,
>easier thing to do is to look up the mail exchangers for aol.com and stick
>of them in your smtproutes file, like so:

Ummmm, i looked in controls (and I don't have a smtproutes file), is this
where it goes (we need O'Reilly to publish a qmail book which covers all
this neat stuff in simple plain english)...<IMO>


p.s. - will smtproutes cause any problems with std mail delivery?


On Sat 1999-04-03 (14:41), Bill Parker wrote:
> >
> >There are a couple of things you can do. One is to patch qmail with one of
> the
> >large DNS packet patches, which you'll find on the qmail web site. The other,
> >easier thing to do is to look up the mail exchangers for aol.com and stick
> one
> >of them in your smtproutes file, like so:
> >
> >aol.com:yc.mx.aol.com
> >
> Ummmm, i looked in controls (and I don't have a smtproutes file), is this
> where it goes (we need O'Reilly to publish a qmail book which covers all
> this neat stuff in simple plain english)...<IMO>

Well you're in luck. Russell Nelson is busy with one at the moment. Should be
out in a few months.

> -Bill
> p.s. - will smtproutes cause any problems with std mail delivery?

Yes, smtproutes goes in the control directory (man qmail-control). Basically,
as I understand it, if you list a host or domain in smtproutes qmail will not
do a DNS lookup to find out where to deliver the mail, it will use the host
that you specify instead.

So, to get around the fact that AOL returns large DNS packets when qmail does
an MX lookup, the suggestion was to hardcode one of AOL's mail servers as the
destination for all aol mail and thereby avoid doing the DNS lookups.

> >Chris

  - Keith

Keith Burdis - MSc (Com Sci) - Rhodes University, South Africa  
WWW     : http://www.rucus.ru.ac.za/~keith/
IRC     : Panthras                                          JAPH

"Any technology sufficiently advanced is indistinguishable from a perl script"

Standard disclaimer.

        I've noticed that beta versions of Eudora (which my clients 
will eventually update to when they are released, I presume) tell the 
pop server 'CAPA' to determine what commands are supported when they 
log in. I'm still undecided about whether or not this -should- be 
supported, but I went ahead and modified the existing patch (that 
just returns 'APOP') to function more like Eudora expects anyway.

        Basically, I took a look at what qpopper says (I presume that 
if anything returns the correct information, it's qpopper) and made 
qmail-popup say the same thing (minus strange stuff that I don't 
think it supports).

        You may want to remove the APOP line if you don't actually 
-use- APOP, Other than that, the rest of the commands are supported 
by vanilla qmail-popup.

        Due to its small size, the patch is attached.



======[Ximenes Zalteca]======[[EMAIL PROTECTED]]======
===========[Closed mouths gather no feet]==============

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