
At 18:16 22.01.99 , R Aldridge wrote:
>This isn't really a qmail question, more mail in general. I received an
>email with the following header. Although it was "Received: .... for
>[EMAIL PROTECTED]", it doesn't have a "To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]" line ?!
>Or maybe I'm missing something. Any ideas anyone ?
you needn't got a TO:-Line. What you need is a received line with the
mailing address 

Received: from [...] for <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Fri, 22 Jan 1999 16:53:51 GMT

But this Header is from _Sendmail_. In Qmail you either have no
Recieved-Line (have you?).
I don't know why the developers think it would be better but I think there
is a reason (which?)...


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