On 26-Jan-99 16:06:07, Fred Lindberg wrote something about "Unable to run qmail-remote 
from resource exthaustion PERMENENT error?". I just couldn't help replying to it, thus:
> Testing ezmlm stuff on a 486/32MB I ran into some resource exhaustion,
> and noticed that qmail-remote crashing is a permanent error, while an
> inability to fork qmail-remote is a permanent error. This seems
> incorrect and caused loss of a message.

> Log (the second entry is a crash leading to the expected deferral):
> Jan 26 11:56:10 id qmail: 917351770.477256 status: local 0/10 remote
> 40/40
> Jan 26 11:56:10 id qmail: 917351770.832994 delivery 7497: failure:
> Unable_to_run_qmail-remote./

   I saw the same thing today. Resource exhaustion (memory) leading to that
error message and bounced mail. Not good at all.


| Rask Ingemann Lambertsen     | [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
| Registered Phase5 developer  | WWW: http://www.gbar.dtu.dk/~c948374/   |
| A4000, 775 kkeys/s (RC5-64)  | "ThrustMe" on XPilot and EFnet IRC      |
|        If you wake up Sleepy & Grumpy, you must be Snow White.         |

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