James McGlinn writes:

> When I tell their forms to send the email to my account with another
> ISP, the header of the email has no 'To:' field, but the 'Received'
> fields all end
> with:

To: headers have absolutely nothing to do with a message's sender or list
of recipients, and is completely irrelevant.  To:, just like any other
header, is purely informational in nature.

> I'm fairly new to qmail, so I wouldn't be surprised if I've overlooked
> something obvious, but I can't find any reference to this sort of
> thing in the mailing list archive.

The first thing you need to do is read RFC821 and RFC822, in order to get a
better idea of how E-mail delivery works.  Afterwards, you can attempt to
track down the source fo your problem.


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