On Thu, May 06, 1999 at 12:16:55PM +0200, Fre de Vries wrote:
> Question,
> Doesn't use ofmip /control/rcpthost???
> When i use qmail-smtpd a non-allowed rcpthost generates a: ""553 sorry, that
> domain isn't in my list of allowed rcpthosts ""
> Using ofmipd instead of qmail-smtpd this doesn't see to work

Read the man page for ofmipd. Here's part of what you'll find:

       Note that ofmipd will relay messages to  any  destination.
       It  should  be invoked only for connections from preautho-
       rized users.  With tcpserver you can deny connections that
       do  not  come  from  preauthorized  IP  addresses  such as


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