On Thu, May 06, 1999 at 05:03:47PM +0100, Petr Novotny wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> > Harald suggested a patch for rblsmtpd which has been working
> > fine for a long time. But now it has stopped working. I don't
> > understand what has happened. The patched rblsmtpd is still
> > installed.  It added the string "Remote IP: x.x.x.x".
> > 
> > Now, the bounce messages says (yes, it really is truncated):
> > 
> > 926001343.724531 rblsmtpd: pid 20216: 451 The server sending your mail is
> > in the ORBS database as an insecure email relay and the admin of the
> > server giving you this message has not set his filtering up correctly to
> > provide you with the I
> > 
> > What has happened? Where did the "Remote IP .." string go?
> > How can I fix it? I have not changed anything since it worked.
> > I suppose ORBS has.
> Hey read the patch; Harald says there is a line
> "if (message.len > 200) message.len = 200;" 
> Now what gives? :-)

Yeah. That's it. Thanks. All well, except for that stupid TXT

> ORBS has probably prolonged the TXT record.
> People out there, is it possible to change the length of the 
> message simply? Thanks

I would like to customize the whole text.

> Version: PGP 6.0.2 -- QDPGP 2.60 
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> =rhE+
> --
> Petr Novotny, ANTEK CS
> http://www.antek.cz
> PGP key ID: 0x3BA9BC3F
> -- Don't you know there ain't no devil there's just God when he's drunk.
>                                                              [Tom Waits]

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