On Thu, May 06, 1999 at 04:59:20PM -0400, Brett Borger wrote:
> > Unfortunately, qmail-smtpd does not *make* any log entries.  This is a
> > huge defect, as you can see.  You'll have to rely getting the bounce
> > messages, whereever they wind up.
> Can someone please explain what these messages in /var/log/maillog
> mean? (RH5.2 sys, I installed qmail, but I probably botched it)  It
> appears that messages to most hosts are sent as intended,
> but anything to @psu.edu gets deferred (We haven't noticed any lost
> mail, and we've been running for a while, albeit with only a little
> mail, so I'm assuming they eventually get through). I'm told psu.edu
> is a multi-homed host, and that that may be a source of problems.  Is
> this it?  Is it something else?  How do I correct it?

The messages say, "unable to establish an SMTP connection," and this is exactly
what they mean. I just tried connecting to port 25 on each of psu.edu's MX
hosts, and they all refused the connection. Apparently they're having problems
of some sort.


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