I'm trying to fix the qmail-smtpd error 256 problem, without any success
so far.
I'm invoking qmail-smtpd using:

tcpserver -v -c40 -x /etc/tcprules.d/qmail-smtpd.db -u`id -u qmaild` \
          -g`id -g qmaild` -H1 0 smtp sh -c 'fixcr | qmail-smtpd' \
          2>&1| setuser qmaill accustamp \
          | setuser qmaill  cyclog -s 1000000 /var/log/qmail-smtpd &

(having replaced "qmail-smtpd" with "sh -c 'fixcr | qmail-smtpd'" as
suggested by another poster)

My log file still shows qmail-smtpd returning error 256:

1999-05-09 16:48:21.216709 tcpserver: status: 1/40
1999-05-09 16:48:21.216959 tcpserver: pid 16014 from
1999-05-09 16:48:47.220261 tcpserver: ok 16014
merlin.entertainz.co.nz: :
1999-05-09 16:48:47.237652 tcpserver: end 16014 status 256
1999-05-09 16:48:47.237746 tcpserver: status: 0/40 is opsmail.internic.net - so far the only sender I've seen
this problem with. is the qmail machine merlin's IP behind the firewall -
could this be causing a problem?

James McGlinn

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