We're running a combination of qmail-1.01 on a box and qmail-1.03 on a
box. Both setups are working fine, and we are utilizing tcpserver. The
problem is that a local internet competitor cannot email our customers
"sometimes" --

I just sent a test message to their webmaster address and it completed
fine, however, i have some of THEIR customers calling me, as well as some
of MY customers calling me telling me about it. I know the problem exists,
but i cant track it down. They of course blame it on us.

They are running NT, here is a cap from their port 25:

Connected to zianet.com.
Escape character is '^]'.
220 nova.zianet.com WindowsNT SMTP Server v3.02.13/1.abcm ready at Mon, 17
May 1999 12:17:25 -0600

They told us to check and see if we were on ORBS (which were not) and
other then that made no effort to help me trouble shoot the problem.

Does anybody have any clues on what could cause some mail NOT to go
through properly?

  _    __   _____      __   _________      
______________  /_______ ___  ____  /______  John Gonzalez/Net.Tech
__  __ \ __ \  __/_  __ `__ \/ __  /_  ___/ MDC Computers/netMDC!
_  / / / `__/ /_  / / / / / / /_/ / / /__ (505)437-7600/fax-437-3052
/_/ /_/\___/\__/ /_/ /_/ /_/\__,_/  \___/ http://www.netmdc.com
[---------------------------------------------[system info]-----------]
 12:15pm  up 101 days, 19:18,  3 users,  load average: 0.48, 0.19, 0.11

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