Balazs Nagy wrote:
> On Tue, 18 May 1999, Andre Oppermann wrote:
> > Balazs Nagy wrote:
> > >
> > > I see two solutions.  The first one is not likely to be realized: use
> > > syslog.  The another one is much better.  My idea is the same as in
> > > qmail-start: tcpserver should open a file descriptor for piping through a
> > > logger program.  The service program (qmail-pop3d for example) should check
> > > if this fixed fd number is exists.
> > >
> > > Any comments?
> >
> > If you run under tcpserver it's no problem to log to stderr. Everthing
> > you print to stderr will appear in tcpserver's logfile. In fact I'm
> > implementing that right now for qmail-smptd and qmail-pop3d.
> Yeah, but you *should* give a non-sensitive solution. If you use stderr for
> logging, you should remove the dup2ing fd 1 to fd 2 line, but it's for
> compatibility reasons among various inetd's.  By the way inetd (from
> netkit-base) actually dup2s fd 1 to fd 2, which will happily puts your logs
> to the socket.  Why do you want to determine qmail services whether it runs
> under tcpserver or not?  It's a very heavy compatibility issue.

Feel free to roll your own patch which send's all it's stuff to syslog.

Anyway, who cares about inetd?

> I'd like to see if DJB himself says anything about the subject.  If we want
> logging, we should want to do it the official way.

He say's use recordio.


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