+ Michael Legart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

| > >But how do i create aliases?
| > 
| > ~alias/.qmail-aliasname
| But the domains are not in control/locals, but in
| control/virtualdomains, so ~alias will not be used.

Where did you get that notion from?  Please RTFM carefully: 

            A  virtual  domain  has  the form domain:prepend.  It
            applies to any  recipient  address  at  domain.   For
            example, if


            is  in  virtualdomains,  and  a  message  arrives for
            [EMAIL PROTECTED], qmail-send will rewrite the recipi-
            ent  address  as [EMAIL PROTECTED] and deliver
            the message locally.

And the latter implies that, unless there is a local user named joe
(or joe-foo or joe-foo-info), qmail will look at
~alias/.qmail-joe-foo-info for delivery instructions.


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