
>Firewall (bound private and officall IP s) for security reasons and
>forwards all messages to our internal Notes-Server that only uses

Speaking of security: As a firewall admin I wanted to point out that it is always a 
bad idea to have ANYTHING run on your firewall besides the firewalling software 
itself. Reason: Additional applications could inhibit the work (ressources etc.) of 
the firewall and open up potential security holes for which there's really no good 
reason to exist on the firewall machine. You could put your mailserver in a DMZ for 
example and have mails transferred from there to your internal systems. This way it 
wouldn't be the firewall being open on port 25 to the whole world but a different 

 In your case it's not that bad though, since qmail is secure, as far as we know...
Just my 2 cents.

Best regards

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