Hi all.

Consider the following setup:

Each user of an ISP has a full "virtualhost" username.
Qmail is configured so that [EMAIL PROTECTED] is delivered
into their individual Maildir/Pop3 box.  Each user logs in with their
username 'theirname.domain.com'.

Assume this setup is running perfectly (ok, I have 4,000 users using it).

Essentially I'm thinking of enabling the user to login via POP3 as
'[EMAIL PROTECTED]' with their normal password. (I've written the
checkpasswd so it's easy to authenticate ok).

What methodology could be used so that if they login with a specific
email address as a POP3 user then they only "see" email which is destined
for that user. but if they logged in without a user@ part then they would get

My inital thoughts are to auth, then create a sub-Maildir and mv the relivant
emails into it, set HOME appropriately and launch qmail-pop3d.

However, this has implications against "Leave mail on server", so if this
happens we need to consider mv-ing emails back to the parent Maildir/cur
and tearing down the sub-Maildir.

I could do the above described setup ok, but perhaps there may be an issue(s)
I haven't considered.

Anyone have any thoughts on this?

This has obvious application in providing "company wide" or private boxes
within a single ISP account setup without having to do anything fancy for
each client.

Email pgregg at tibus.net |       CLUB24       | Email pgregg at nyx.net    | 
Technical Director        |      INTERNET      | System Administrator       |
The Internet Business Ltd |    Free  Access    | Nyx Public Access Internet |
http://www.tibus.net      |  www.club24.co.uk  | http://www.nyx.net         |

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