"Steven Klass" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Ok first here is what I have
>RH6.0 installed and working fine.  I think even with custom installations
>Sendmail is installed.  How nice of them??


>I get my email through my ISP.
>I have three accounts set up with them and I need to only receive two of the
>three accounts.  In taking everyone's advice, I (root) have created for
>myself a working user (Steven).

Hopefully "steven". Mixed-case usernames are a bad idea. See:


>here is what I would like.
>A way to simply get email.

That should be doable. :-)

>Ideally, I don't know if this can be done or
>not.  I would like a little notification when I get email (primarily CLI but
>some X too).

See "man qbiff".

>I thought I needed to get Sendmail running.  OK, how do I effectively kill
>that, I assume just by unloading the RPM right?

Yes, you'll have to force it. See the rpm man page.

>I thought qmail was the answer, but now people are saying fetchmail.

1) qmail and fetchmail are apples and oranges. qmail is an MTA, and
   fetchmail needs an MTA.

2) fetchmail is pretty unreliable/dangerous. It *can* work, but it can 
   also fail badly.



>I think
>qmail is what I need and would like some help.  I have read the facts
>http://qmail-docs.surfdirect.com.au/)  Life with Qmail, is the better (IMHO)
>but it still needs some work -> like how do you install it..??

Life with qmail is a work-in-progress. I only started it about a month

>I even
>tried to install qmail, but all of the facts seem to break down at the
>.qmail / alias point, and they deteriorate when it comes to users.

What do you mean by "facts"? Documents?

I'm very interested in ways to improve Life with qmail, so if the
coverage of .qmail/aliases/users needs to be clearer, I'll do what I

Aliases are covered here:


.qmail files are covered here:


Also, the qmail-local man page should be helpful.

>In all
>of the facts that I read (which is several including the readme, that came
>with the binary, and the man pages) when you get to the alias, user section
>they start saying how easy it is, uhh  pardon me, but I don't think this is
>that easy..

What they mean is "easier". Much of the documentation out there
assumes that the reader has considerable UNIX/sendmail/SMTP

>Is qmail right for me?

Only you can answer that. I can say that qmail can do some or all of
what you need done.

>If not what is an alternative?

Sendmail, postfix, and exim are the major alternative UNIX MTA's. If
you need fetchmail to retrieve your mail from your ISP via POP/IMAP,
I'm not aware of any good alternatives.

>Give me some of your favorite email clients and how easy are they to set up
>with qmail?

All MUA's will work fine with qmail. If you require maildir support,
the list is shorter: mutt or maybe pine+patches.

>A fact which is simpler to understand when you start getting into the heart
>of the matter (setting it up)?

I'm workin' on it.

>Here are my current criticisms from a newbie regarding the current fact
>Is dot qmail the same as .qmail?

Yes, see the #dot-qmail-files URL above.

>When setting up an alias, is it do I have to put the Maildir path in with
>the address?

To set up an alias, you create a .qmail file in ~alias. If you want
the alias to deliver to a maildir, you put a maildir delivery
instruction in the .qmail file. See:


>How do I implement users, keep in mind I only have one!

Add account in the usual manner (/etc/passwd).

>When setting up the Maildir, do I need to go to each of my users and issue
>the makemaildir command.

Yes, or create a maildir in the new user template directory (something 
like /etc/skel--depends on your OS).

>Does fetchmail have to work with qmail for my situation?

fetchmail needs an MTA. It doesn't have to be qmail.

>Ok, I post more as I get them

Looking forward to them. Newbie questions drive Life with qmail


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