qmail Digest 8 Jun 1999 10:00:01 -0000 Issue 665

Topics (messages 26385 through 26434):

ofmipd , rewriting and case sensitivity
        26385 by: "Fre de Vries" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        26426 by: "D. J. Bernstein" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Mass Mailign with Qmail vs. Sendmail
        26386 by: Dave Sill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        26396 by: Jeff Hayward <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        26404 by: Richard Letts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

ETRN in qmail
        26387 by: Dave Sill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

LOTS of Orbs hits
        26388 by: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        26389 by: "Petr Novotny" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        26390 by: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

logging pop connects
        26391 by: Markus Stumpf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

a newbies expieriences...
        26392 by: "Steven Klass" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        26400 by: Dave Sill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Concept: 'infinate' POP3 accounts per pop3 user.
        26393 by: Markus Stumpf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        26405 by: Peter van Dijk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        26421 by: Paul Gregg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

getting ERROR signal 13
        26394 by: "James P. Kannengieser" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        26397 by: Dave Sill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

cannot start: hath the daemon spawn no fire?
        26395 by: Lou Sortman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        26401 by: Petru Paler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

qmail newbie question
        26398 by: Gerald Willmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Logfile surveillance (Was: Re: LOTS of Orbs hits)
        26399 by: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Lorens Kockum)
        26403 by: Dave Sill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        26432 by: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Lorens Kockum)
        26433 by: Dirk Alboth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        26434 by: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Lorens Kockum)

checkpasswd, eudora and shadow...
        26402 by: Stephane Morand <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        26406 by: "Aaron L. Meehan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        26407 by: "Aaron L. Meehan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        26410 by: Dave Teske <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

vchkpw / checkpassword error
        26408 by: Coby Randquist <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        26409 by: Dave Sill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

US Senate outsources email management
        26411 by: John Conover <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        26412 by: Vince Vielhaber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        26413 by: "Justin M. Streiner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Trouble with qmail 1.0.3 and Ms mail/nemex messenger
        26414 by: "Stephen C. Comoletti" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

vchkpw question
        26415 by: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Robert Schader)
        26417 by: "Stephen C. Comoletti" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        26418 by: Lane Rettig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        26419 by: Fredrick Backman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

spam filter
        26416 by: Attila Csosz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

vchkpw - thanks
        26420 by: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Robert Schader)

using a database for user accounts
        26422 by: "Andy Kowalski" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        26423 by: Paul Gregg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Qmail Woes (self inflicted!)
        26424 by: Kevin King <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Security question wrt forwarding
        26425 by: "D. J. Bernstein" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

an MX record shouldn't contain an IP address, right?
        26427 by: "Lenny Mastrototaro" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        26428 by: Peter van Dijk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        26429 by: Dax Kelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        26431 by: "Sam" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

checkpassword from the command line
        26430 by: Keith Burdis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


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I,m using ofmipd for outgoing mail, because i need header rewriting.
My name.txt (and name.cdb) is completely lower case.

We use mostly Winpmail on the desktop and Mercury to transport mail from the
local novell3.12 server to ofmipd.
When mailing from novellserver  server1, the reply address in the header is
When doing the same thing on server2 ,  the reply address is

Mark that the first is lower case after the @ and the second is uppercase.
Does someone know where this comes from.

Because my name.cdb is lowercase, the second mail (with the uppercase in it)
doesn't get rewritten.
Is this the way ofmipd works ???
We have rewritten the cdb_seek.c code , i a way that the case doesn't matter
anymore, but  IMHO we are doing something wrong

Any idea's


Fre de Vries writes:

Normal use of ofmipd is to have one line in the name database for each
client MUA. The spelling should be copied from what the MUA uses.


Mylo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>By "same domain" queue'ing I was refering to queue'ing messages targeted
>at the same remote domain (See also: aol.com) into the same queue as to
>allow Qmail (in our current case sendmail) to force messages to one mail
>host through the same process to improve performance. 



For discussion about why qmail doesn't do that.


The qmail analog of creating the sendmail queue files is probably
the qmail-queue interface.  Qmail-queue is simple and easy.

The problem, of course, is that it will pound the daylights out of
the queue's file system.  You can run a couple of dozen queues to
avoid that if you're so inclined. The idea another poster described,
using qmail-remote directly, with qmail-queue for the first-try
failures is a bit interesting.  In case it's not obvious, it avoids
all the overhead of creating any on-disk files for the first-try

-- Jeff Hayward

On Fri, 4 Jun 1999, Mylo wrote:

   Not sure if this went through the first time, I got a help msg back
   so here goes again:
   Hello all,
     I am investigating using qmail to send a mass mailing to our 2M user base.
   Currently we have been using sendmail.  First, let me describe our current
   setup.  We have 26 different sendmail's running as deamons on 26 different
   mqueue's.  We then have a program that pulls user information out of our
   database and creates the qfAA and dfAA files into these queue's.  It dumps
   10,000 messages in each queue, then moves onto the next queue, leaving
   sendmail to distribute the messages from the queue.  This is however,
   insanely slow.  From what I've seen/read/and heard Qmail will be able to
   accomplish our 2M mailing a lot faster than sendmail, however I believe that
   a large part of our bottleneck is that we create queue files and expect
   sendmail to recognize it.  Okay, now to the question:  What would be the
   best way of doing this with Qmail?  Running multiple deamons on multiple
   queue's?  or can Qmail do this all automatically.  I am very unfamiliar with
   the Qmail configuration so any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
   Please reply directly to <A HREF="maito:[EMAIL PROTECTED]"> [EMAIL PROTECTED] </A>.
   Thank you.
   -- Tim "Mylo" Madams

On Fri, 4 Jun 1999, Mylo wrote:

> That's sounding happy, but how do you limit the number of qmail-remote's that are
> gonna get spawned.  Aren't you running the risk of thousands, or should I say
> millions of them starting at once.

maintain a list of current running children. when one dies start a new one.
if is dies delivery failed pass that message off to qmail-queue before
starting another qmail-remote.

with a little twiddling with perl one would optimise the deliveries so
identical message to same remote hosts use the multiple rcpt featuires of
qmail-remote, one could also monitor the maximum per-host concurrency and
prevent overloading of one host.
The problems of the world    ||  Fax:   +44 870 0521198        
can't be solved by fixing    ||  Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
the working -- C. Daniluk    ||  Phone: +44 385 275 394

Ranjan Koirala <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Whats this ETRN stands for and does qmail supports this. Is there any
>sites, reference where I can look at. I am not on the list, pls send

ETRN is an SMTP command that clients issue to servers. It causes the
server to send any mail it has queued up for the client. qmail
implements this via the serialmail add-on package. See:



Petr Novotny <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes on 7 June 1999 at 09:44:11 +0100
 > Hash: SHA1
 > > What I want, of course, is the IP address the
 > > connect was from.  Has anybody patched rblsmtpd to log that >already?
 > This is what I did:
 > - ------- cut here -------
 > +++ rblsmtpd-0.70/rblsmtpd.c    Mon May 10 21:19:25 1999
 > @@ -75,6 +75,9 @@
 >         break;
 >        default:
 >          if (!stralloc_copys(&message,flagbounce ? "553 " : "451 ")) die_sys();
 > +       if (!stralloc_cats(&message,"(Remote IP: ")) die_sys();
 > +       if (!stralloc_cats(&message,x)) die_sys();
 > +       if (!stralloc_cats(&message,") ")) die_sys();
 >          if (!stralloc_cat(&message,&rbltext)) die_sys();
 >      }
 >    }
 > - ---- cut here ---
 > It works and I didn't see any leaks - after all, rblsmtpd exits frequently
 > anyway.
 > Comments anyone?

A little simpler than mine.  I *think* x sometimes has the RBLSMTP
environmnent variable rather than TCPREMOTEIP at that stage of the
code; I added a new variable and specifically preserved the IP

However, Bruce Guenther has pointed out that if you simply turn on
verbose logging (-v) in tcpserver, it gives you an extra line on
connect and disconnect which includes the IP.  So there's a way to get
the information with unpatched software, too.  (The man page for
tcpserver just says something like "all available messages" for -v; I
expected it would be too verbose and didn't try it.  Oops.) 
David Dyer-Bennet                                              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
http://www.ddb.com/~ddb (photos, sf) Minicon: http://www.mnstf.org/minicon
http://ouroboros.demesne.com/ The Ouroboros Bookworms
Join the 20th century before it's too late!

Hash: SHA1

> A little simpler than mine.  I *think* x sometimes has the RBLSMTP
> environmnent variable rather than TCPREMOTEIP at that stage of the
> code;

Can it? I must have missed that; anyway, it works for me since the 
only value RBLSMTP can have is "" for broken-but-must-support-
them sites.

> However, Bruce Guenther has pointed out that if you simply turn on
> verbose logging (-v) in tcpserver, it gives you an extra line on
> connect and disconnect which includes the IP.

That doesn't help for
cat *|tailocal|grep orbs|less
line I am using frequently to make sure I am not blackholing my 
boss :-)

Version: PGP 6.0.2 -- QDPGP 2.60 
Comment: http://community.wow.net/grt/qdpgp.html

Petr Novotny, ANTEK CS
PGP key ID: 0x3BA9BC3F
-- Don't you know there ain't no devil there's just God when he's drunk.
                                                             [Tom Waits]

Petr Novotny <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes on 7 June 1999 at 16:50:05 +0100
 > Hash: SHA1
 > > A little simpler than mine.  I *think* x sometimes has the RBLSMTP
 > > environmnent variable rather than TCPREMOTEIP at that stage of the
 > > code;
 > Can it? I must have missed that; anyway, it works for me since the 
 > only value RBLSMTP can have is "" for broken-but-must-support-
 > them sites.
 > > However, Bruce Guenther has pointed out that if you simply turn on
 > > verbose logging (-v) in tcpserver, it gives you an extra line on
 > > connect and disconnect which includes the IP.
 > That doesn't help for
 > cat *|tailocal|grep orbs|less
 > line I am using frequently to make sure I am not blackholing my 
 > boss :-)

Find what relays he comes through, and proactively tell rblsmtpd to
ignore ORBS and RBL for them by setting RBLSMTPD to null.  Then you
won't have to worry about whether they end up on one of the blocking
lists later.
David Dyer-Bennet                                              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
http://www.ddb.com/~ddb (photos, sf) Minicon: http://www.mnstf.org/minicon
http://ouroboros.demesne.com/ The Ouroboros Bookworms
Join the 20th century before it's too late!

On Thu, Jun 03, 1999 at 04:46:24PM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I want to log pop connects (both successes and failures) using
> qmail's pop server.
> [ ... ]
> doesn't seem like tcpserver has syslog logging capabilities.
> How are most people doing pop logging?

We do both:
a) tcpserver
     /usr/local/bin/tcpserver -R -v 0 pop3                 \
        /var/qmail/bin/qmail-popup popmail.space.net    \
        /usr/local/etc/popmgmt/bin/checkpassword        \
        /var/qmail/bin/qmail-pop3d Maildir 2>&1         \
        | /var/qmail/bin/splogger qmail-pop3d 17 &

   This logs tcpserver connects to syslog channel 17

b) checkpassword
   We use a perl based checkpassword and basically have:

    $LOGGER         =       '/usr/bin/logger';
    sub info
        system("$LOGGER", '-t', 'checkpasswd', '-p', 'local0.info', 

    [ ... ]

   Loggin is done on the appropriate locations e.g.
    info "user='$user' auth failed, access denied";

    info "user='$user' no \$HOME, access denied";

    info "user='$user' auth ok, loggin in";


SpaceNet GmbH             |   http://www.Space.Net/   | Yeah, yo mama dresses
Research & Development    | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] | you funny and you need
Joseph-Dollinger-Bogen 14 |  Tel: +49 (89) 32356-0    | a mouse to delete files
D-80807 Muenchen          |  Fax: +49 (89) 32356-299  |

Hey all, I'm a newbie (this is the first step to recovery right...?)

Ok first here is what I have

RH6.0 installed and working fine.  I think even with custom installations
Sendmail is installed.  How nice of them??  I get my email through my ISP.
I have three accounts set up with them and I need to only receive two of the
three accounts.  In taking everyone's advice, I (root) have created for
myself a working user (Steven).  He is the person who will be receiving all
emails.  I ISP is a LAN connected account (RF modem).

here is what I would like.

A way to simply get email.  Ideally, I don't know if this can be done or
not.  I would like a little notification when I get email (primarily CLI but
some X too).  I do connect via SMTP (and POP3) to send and receive my email.
Additionally, I want to get my work email too, which is connected to a
different mail server.  I don't want to use Netscape email, I would like to
use a CLI mail reader if I'm in CLI and X reader if I'm using X.  I want
them to be able to recognize the differences in read mail, unread mail, etc.

Here is where I'm at

I thought I needed to get Sendmail running.  OK, how do I effectively kill
that, I assume just by unloading the RPM right?  Sendmail was impossible to
configure, I have limited (but am learning) programming experience.  I
thought qmail was the answer, but now people are saying fetchmail.  I think
qmail is what I need and would like some help.  I have read the facts
http://qmail-docs.surfdirect.com.au/)  Life with Qmail, is the better (IMHO)
but it still needs some work -> like how do you install it..?? .  I even
tried to install qmail, but all of the facts seem to break down at the
.qmail / alias point, and they deteriorate when it comes to users.  In all
of the facts that I read (which is several including the readme, that came
with the binary, and the man pages) when you get to the alias, user section
they start saying how easy it is, uhh  pardon me, but I don't think this is
that easy..

Here is what I need

Is qmail right for me? If not what is an alternative?
Give me some of your favorite email clients and how easy are they to set up
with qmail?
A fact which is simpler to understand when you start getting into the heart
of the matter (setting it up)?

Here are my current criticisms from a newbie regarding the current fact
Is dot qmail the same as .qmail?
When setting up an alias, is it do I have to put the Maildir path in with
the address?
How do I implement users, keep in mind I only have one!
When setting up the Maildir, do I need to go to each of my users and issue
the makemaildir command.
Does fetchmail have to work with qmail for my situation?

Ok, I post more as I get them

here is my thanks.

Thanks so much for all of you help, and don't fret if you want to slam me, I
suppose that I have done a little bashing myself.

Steven M. Klass
Physical Design Engineer

Andigilog Inc.
7404 W. Detroit Street, Suite 100
Chandler, AZ 85226
Ph:  602-940-6200 ext. 18
Fax: 602-940-4255


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"Steven Klass" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Ok first here is what I have
>RH6.0 installed and working fine.  I think even with custom installations
>Sendmail is installed.  How nice of them??


>I get my email through my ISP.
>I have three accounts set up with them and I need to only receive two of the
>three accounts.  In taking everyone's advice, I (root) have created for
>myself a working user (Steven).

Hopefully "steven". Mixed-case usernames are a bad idea. See:


>here is what I would like.
>A way to simply get email.

That should be doable. :-)

>Ideally, I don't know if this can be done or
>not.  I would like a little notification when I get email (primarily CLI but
>some X too).

See "man qbiff".

>I thought I needed to get Sendmail running.  OK, how do I effectively kill
>that, I assume just by unloading the RPM right?

Yes, you'll have to force it. See the rpm man page.

>I thought qmail was the answer, but now people are saying fetchmail.

1) qmail and fetchmail are apples and oranges. qmail is an MTA, and
   fetchmail needs an MTA.

2) fetchmail is pretty unreliable/dangerous. It *can* work, but it can 
   also fail badly.



>I think
>qmail is what I need and would like some help.  I have read the facts
>http://qmail-docs.surfdirect.com.au/)  Life with Qmail, is the better (IMHO)
>but it still needs some work -> like how do you install it..??

Life with qmail is a work-in-progress. I only started it about a month

>I even
>tried to install qmail, but all of the facts seem to break down at the
>.qmail / alias point, and they deteriorate when it comes to users.

What do you mean by "facts"? Documents?

I'm very interested in ways to improve Life with qmail, so if the
coverage of .qmail/aliases/users needs to be clearer, I'll do what I

Aliases are covered here:


.qmail files are covered here:


Also, the qmail-local man page should be helpful.

>In all
>of the facts that I read (which is several including the readme, that came
>with the binary, and the man pages) when you get to the alias, user section
>they start saying how easy it is, uhh  pardon me, but I don't think this is
>that easy..

What they mean is "easier". Much of the documentation out there
assumes that the reader has considerable UNIX/sendmail/SMTP

>Is qmail right for me?

Only you can answer that. I can say that qmail can do some or all of
what you need done.

>If not what is an alternative?

Sendmail, postfix, and exim are the major alternative UNIX MTA's. If
you need fetchmail to retrieve your mail from your ISP via POP/IMAP,
I'm not aware of any good alternatives.

>Give me some of your favorite email clients and how easy are they to set up
>with qmail?

All MUA's will work fine with qmail. If you require maildir support,
the list is shorter: mutt or maybe pine+patches.

>A fact which is simpler to understand when you start getting into the heart
>of the matter (setting it up)?

I'm workin' on it.

>Here are my current criticisms from a newbie regarding the current fact
>Is dot qmail the same as .qmail?

Yes, see the #dot-qmail-files URL above.

>When setting up an alias, is it do I have to put the Maildir path in with
>the address?

To set up an alias, you create a .qmail file in ~alias. If you want
the alias to deliver to a maildir, you put a maildir delivery
instruction in the .qmail file. See:


>How do I implement users, keep in mind I only have one!

Add account in the usual manner (/etc/passwd).

>When setting up the Maildir, do I need to go to each of my users and issue
>the makemaildir command.

Yes, or create a maildir in the new user template directory (something 
like /etc/skel--depends on your OS).

>Does fetchmail have to work with qmail for my situation?

fetchmail needs an MTA. It doesn't have to be qmail.

>Ok, I post more as I get them

Looking forward to them. Newbie questions drive Life with qmail


On Fri, Jun 04, 1999 at 12:57:38AM +0000, Paul Gregg wrote:
> Essentially I'm thinking of enabling the user to login via POP3 as
> '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' with their normal password. (I've written the
> checkpasswd so it's easy to authenticate ok).

Slightly off topic:
I know of (at least) one eMail client which assumes
    connect(host, pop3)
    USER user

So you should probably also be prepared to handle
which should result in
    connect(host, pop3)
    USER user%domain


SpaceNet GmbH             |   http://www.Space.Net/   | Yeah, yo mama dresses
Research & Development    | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] | you funny and you need
Joseph-Dollinger-Bogen 14 |  Tel: +49 (89) 32356-0    | a mouse to delete files
D-80807 Muenchen          |  Fax: +49 (89) 32356-299  |

On Mon, Jun 07, 1999 at 05:28:38PM +0200, Markus Stumpf wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 04, 1999 at 12:57:38AM +0000, Paul Gregg wrote:
> > Essentially I'm thinking of enabling the user to login via POP3 as
> > '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' with their normal password. (I've written the
> > checkpasswd so it's easy to authenticate ok).
> Slightly off topic:
> I know of (at least) one eMail client which assumes
>     user@host
> is
>     connect(host, pop3)
>     USER user
> So you should probably also be prepared to handle
>     user%domain@host
> which should result in
>     connect(host, pop3)
>     USER user%domain

The checkpassword replacement I wrote (with which you can assign domains to
users, allowing them to specify infinite POP3 accounts in a file in their
homedir, but with separate Maildirs) accepts user@host, user%host and

You can't have it though...

Greetz, Peter
| 'He broke my heart,    |                              Peter van Dijk |
     I broke his neck'   |                     [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
   nognikz - As the sun  |        Hardbeat@ircnet - #cistron/#linux.nl |
                         | Hardbeat@undernet - #groningen/#kinkfm/#vdh |

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> you wrote:
> Paul Gregg writes:

>> Assume this setup is running perfectly (ok, I have 4,000 users using it).
>> Essentially I'm thinking of enabling the user to login via POP3 as
>> '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' with their normal password. (I've written the
>> checkpasswd so it's easy to authenticate ok).
>> What methodology could be used so that if they login with a specific
>> email address as a POP3 user then they only "see" email which is destined
>> for that user. but if they logged in without a user@ part then they would get
>> everything.

> You'll need a custom POP3 server for that.  When the POP3 server
> initializes and scans the Maildir for messages, it should ignore messages
> that do not have a Delivered-To: address for the login user.

> Maildir-based POP3 servers are childishly simple, and you should be able to
> write one up, or modify an existing one, in no time at all.

Ok, I figured out how best to code this up.

Essentially, one needs to patch get_list() in qmail-pop3d.c

get_list calls maildir_scan() (in maildir.c) to return a list of filenames,
which get_list() then parses through to build a list of files/emails
which are in the Maildir.

This routine needs to also add the Delivered-To: checks that are in
serialsmtp.c from the serialmail package.
Simply we could call checkpasswd qmail-pop3d Maildir  and checkpasswd could
exec  @ARGV, but add user@host to the args (so qmail-pop3d could read it).

The check would need to find the Delivered-To: (first one) line
and do a search in the string for /user@host/  (the login pop3 id).
(checkpasswd could munge it whatever way you wanted to cover for user%host
if you had to).

Anyone feel up to the task?  I'm afraid my C coding skills leave much to
be desired - never got time to learn :(

Email pgregg at tibus.net |       CLUB24       | Email pgregg at nyx.net    | 
Technical Director        |      INTERNET      | System Administrator       |
The Internet Business Ltd |    Free  Access    | Nyx Public Access Internet |
http://www.tibus.net      |  www.club24.co.uk  | http://www.nyx.net         |

I'm still trying to trudge my way through qmail problems from last week.
So far, people on this list have been very helpful. Today, I tried
reviewing the problem from the start again so that I can see the whole

I can telnet to my mailserver through my firewall on port 25. When I do,
the following information appears on the console.

# tcpserver: status: 1/40
tcpserver: pid 308 from
tcpserver: ok 308 nssec.shearman.com:
tcpserver: end 308 status 0
tcpserver: status: 0/40

When I try to send a test message to an address on the Internet from my
mailhub, I get this message.

mail: ERROR signal 13

Here are the messages that appear in my syslog when I send a message to an
account on my mailhub from the Internet.

Jun  7 11:43:02 nssec qmail: 928770182.008565 status: local 0/10 remote
Jun  7 11:43:02 nssec qmail: 928770182.035264 delivery 11: deferral:
Jun  7 11:43:02 nssec qmail: 928770182.036338 status: local 0/10 remote

Local mail delivery works without any problems.

If anyone can offer any assistance, I'd appreciate it.


"James P. Kannengieser" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>When I try to send a test message to an address on the Internet from my
>mailhub, I get this message.
>mail: ERROR signal 13

What command are you using to send the message? What does "echo
user@host|qmail-inject" do? Signal 13 is SIGPIPE (write on a pipe with
no reader). Sounds like a typo on a command line somewhere.



I have installed qmail-1.0.3 with the qmail-ldap-1.03-19990525 patch
applied on a Caldera 1.3 box.

When attempting to start qmail, the daemons do not come up.  The only
indication that anything at all happened is a line like the following in

Jun  7 10:55:44 blitz qmail: 928770944.705898 alert: cannot start: hath
the daemon spawn no fire?

That diagnostic doesn't give me a whole lot to go on, and web searches
on that phrase come up empty.  I gather that it isn't terribly common.
Does anybody know what causes this problem and what I should be looking
at to fix it?

> Greetings:
> I have installed qmail-1.0.3 with the qmail-ldap-1.03-19990525 patch
> applied on a Caldera 1.3 box.
> When attempting to start qmail, the daemons do not come up.  The only
> indication that anything at all happened is a line like the following in
> /var/log/mail.
> Jun  7 10:55:44 blitz qmail: 928770944.705898 alert: cannot start: hath
> the daemon spawn no fire?
> That diagnostic doesn't give me a whole lot to go on, and web searches
> on that phrase come up empty.  I gather that it isn't terribly common.
> Does anybody know what causes this problem and what I should be looking
> at to fix it?

   Is the LDAP server started and control/ldap* files set up correctly ?

Keep your mouth shut and people will think you stupid;
Open it and you remove all doubt.

On 7 Jun 1999, Faried Nawaz wrote:

> Do you have /usr/bin/Mail, or perhaps is mailx part of some package on your 
> CD?  /usr/bin/Mail should work in place of mailx.
/usr/bin/Mail is a link to /bin/mail and both are part of the mailx rpm
which does not contain any mailx, though
could someone please explain why it tells us to remove /bin/mail
and what to use in its place.
I find it kind of funny that at the end of the INSTALL file it tells you
to use mail to report success after having previously instructed you to
disable it.

> I'm not certain about this, but what's in your /etc/resolv.conf?
> I have 
> search mydomain.com.
> nameserver ...
> nameserver ...

same here, without the dot after the domain 

thanks Faried, 

On the qmail list [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>cat *|tailocal|grep orbs|less

You launch that every few seconds or so?  Or is that a 'less +F'?

Does anyone know of a way to monitor a file for occurences of
certain words?  I tried 'tail -f $FILE | grep $TRIGGERS | less +F'
but there seems to be a stdin/stdout buffer in grep that delays
the flow, so that the offending lines are only displayed after
there has been a lot of them :-(

Didn't have the time to muck around in grep to try and
disactivate the buffer, didn't find any shell variable that
would do it (tried bash, are there others?  Even sh, I'll use
it just for that).  Thought about patching 'less' so that only
searched-for (highlighted) lines would show, but 'less' author
said that would be a major job ... so I just threw up my hands.

Any suggestions?

#include <std_disclaim.h>                          Lorens Kockum

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Lorens Kockum) wrote:
>Does anyone know of a way to monitor a file for occurences of
>certain words?  I tried 'tail -f $FILE | grep $TRIGGERS | less +F'

Leave off the "| less +F".

>but there seems to be a stdin/stdout buffer in grep that delays
>the flow, so that the offending lines are only displayed after
>there has been a lot of them :-(

"less" is a pager. It won't display less than a page unless it hits


On the qmail list [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Lorens Kockum) wrote:
>>Does anyone know of a way to monitor a file for occurences of
>>certain words?  I tried 'tail -f $FILE | grep $TRIGGERS | less +F'
>Leave off the "| less +F".

Sorry, that is not the problem.

>"less" is a pager. It won't display less than a page unless it hits

Option +F does that. It makes it equivalent to 'tail -f', with
the advantage that when something interesting comes up, you can
hit ^C and back up.

But the problem is the same without the 'less'.  Sorry for
confusing the issue.
#include <std_disclaim.h>                          Lorens Kockum

> >>Does anyone know of a way to monitor a file for occurences of
> >>certain words?  I tried 'tail -f $FILE | grep $TRIGGERS | less +F'

I cannot reproduce any delays using "tail -f $FILE | grep $TRIGGERS",
except for a little delay of about one second.

> grep -V       
GNU grep version 2.0

What may cause the delay is a missing newline.  Grep scans for lines
that match $TRIGGERS and a line seems to be defined as any number of
chars followed by a newline or eof.  Now in the pipe there is no eof
and if the newline is missing grep will wait until the next line


On the qmail list [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> >>Does anyone know of a way to monitor a file for occurences of
>> >>certain words?  I tried 'tail -f $FILE | grep $TRIGGERS | less +F'
>I cannot reproduce any delays using "tail -f $FILE | grep $TRIGGERS",
>except for a little delay of about one second.

Errr ... errrrrrrrrrrrrrr ...

Sorry Dave, maybe the problem is with less after all.  Should
know better that to rely on hazy recollections :-) Went back
to my correspondence with 'less' author, and found that my
"internal grep buffer" was an assumption on his part to explain
my problem, which I accepted without checking that that was the

In fact, 'tail -f $FILE | less +F' is no good either.  OK, so
'tail -f $FILE | grep $TRIGGERS', my xterm scrollbar, and a
'less' on the side will suffice until I get the time to patch
'less' to get the feature I want.  Sorry for the off-topic

#include <std_disclaim.h>                          Lorens Kockum

I have set up qmail-1.03 on a server with linux 2.2.5-15 (RedHat 6.0) AND
shadow passwords (19990307). PLEASE NOTE - SHADOW PASSWORDS.

A local Win98 workstation here is running Eudora 4.1 has been 
configured correctly to go to that server and attempt to access pop email.

I followed the instructions in the FAQ for part 5.3 including 
adding checkpassword to the /bin directory, changing the line in
/etc/inetd.conf and also ran maildirmake Maildir from the shell prompt.

In the user's HOME directory. I checked ownership and the three
directories cur, new and tmp inside the Maildir all belong to the user and
the group users. the Maildir also has the same ownership and group.

The same WIN98 workstation can connect to the same server with netscape
communicator mail system using pop and does not have any errors.

I receive always the same message from the server running qmail
1.03(using eudora):

There has been an error transferring your mail. I said:
   PASS <shhhh! Don't tell anyone>
and then POP server [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:
   ERR authorization failed

             This message was followed by;

Error reading from network

         Cause: connection reset by remote side 10054

Any suggestions for solutions to correct this problem as soon as
possible, would be greatly appreciated. Please be very specific
and explicit in your responses. 
Thanks in advance,

Stephan Morand

Quoting Stephane Morand ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> I have set up qmail-1.03 on a server with linux 2.2.5-15 (RedHat 6.0) AND
> shadow passwords (19990307). PLEASE NOTE - SHADOW PASSWORDS.

Did you uncomment the define in checkpassword's Makefile that reads like:



Quoting Stephane Morand ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> I have set up qmail-1.03 on a server with linux 2.2.5-15 (RedHat 6.0) AND
> shadow passwords (19990307). PLEASE NOTE - SHADOW PASSWORDS.

> The same WIN98 workstation can connect to the same server with netscape
> communicator mail system using pop and does not have any errors.

Heh.. never mind!

All things being equal, Netscape and Eudora should both be able to
login.  Eudora is doing something different, so chances are that it
*is* sending the wrong username and/or password, or trying to use APOP
authentication or something similiar.  Turn off APOP if it is active
and see what happens.  Use a packet sniffer (sniffit, for example) to
track what it is sending.  Look at its options and check for proper
case of the username and password, etc.


Not sure if this works with all version of Eudora but in the 4.2 beta you 
can set it to log the commands it's sending. Add this to the eudora.ini file:



At 02:46 PM 6/7/99 , Aaron L. Meehan wrote:
>Quoting Stephane Morand ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> > I have set up qmail-1.03 on a server with linux 2.2.5-15 (RedHat 6.0) AND
> > shadow passwords (19990307). PLEASE NOTE - SHADOW PASSWORDS.
> > The same WIN98 workstation can connect to the same server with netscape
> > communicator mail system using pop and does not have any errors.
>Heh.. never mind!
>All things being equal, Netscape and Eudora should both be able to
>login.  Eudora is doing something different, so chances are that it
>*is* sending the wrong username and/or password, or trying to use APOP
>authentication or something similiar.  Turn off APOP if it is active
>and see what happens.  Use a packet sniffer (sniffit, for example) to
>track what it is sending.  Look at its options and check for proper
>case of the username and password, etc.

Ok, I'm fairly new to this.  I ran a Free/BSD system for e-mail in '95 using
sendmail and ipop3, but that ended in '96.

Now in '99 I'm setting up a RedHat Linux 5.2 system using qMail to handle
mail and virtual domains.

At this point delivery to my server is working fine.

I am having problems with qmail-pop3d and vchkpw.

I'm using Inetd my pop-3 line in inetd is:

pop-3 stream tcp nowait root /var/qmail/bin/qmail-popup qmail-popup
mydomain.com /home/popusers/vin/vchkpw /var/qmail/bin/qmail-pop3d Maildir

If I telnet to myserver.com port 110, and type in user NAME [ENTER] pass
-ERR authorization failed

Where do I go from here in trouble shooting this issue?


-Coby P. Randquist

Coby Randquist <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>pop-3 stream tcp nowait root /var/qmail/bin/qmail-popup qmail-popup
>mydomain.com /home/popusers/vin/vchkpw /var/qmail/bin/qmail-pop3d Maildir

If that "vin" is really "vin", that could be a problem, especially if
the directory is actually called "bin".

>Where do I go from here in trouble shooting this issue?

www.qmail.org has some tips. Also, search the list archives.


http://www.currents.net/newstoday/99/06/07/news12.html is kind of
interesting-it mentions server issues. Isn't qmail running on a *BSD
PC capable of doing 100K-300K emails a day?

Does anyone know what kind of system the Senate currently uses?




John Conover, 631 Lamont Ct., Campbell, CA., 95008, USA.
VOX 408.370.2688, FAX 408.379.9602, whois '!JC154'
[EMAIL PROTECTED], http://www2.inow.com/~conover/john.html

On 07-Jun-99 John Conover wrote:
> http://www.currents.net/newstoday/99/06/07/news12.html is kind of
> interesting-it mentions server issues. Isn't qmail running on a *BSD
> PC capable of doing 100K-300K emails a day?
> Does anyone know what kind of system the Senate currently uses?

$ telnet mail.senate.gov 25
Connected to mail.senate.gov.
Escape character is '^]'.
220 mailsims1.senate.gov -- Server ESMTP (Sun Internet Mail Server sims.3.5.1999.03.
214-2.3.0 Available commands:
214-2.3.0 AUTH
214 2.3.0
221 2.3.0 Bye received. Goodbye.
Connection closed by foreign host.

I'm guessing...  Sun?

Vince Vielhaber -- KA8CSH   email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   flame-mail: /dev/null
       # include <std/disclaimers.h>                   TEAM-OS2
        Online Campground Directory    http://www.camping-usa.com
       Online Giftshop Superstore    http://www.cloudninegifts.com

On 7 Jun 1999, John Conover wrote:

> http://www.currents.net/newstoday/99/06/07/news12.html is kind of
> interesting-it mentions server issues. Isn't qmail running on a *BSD
> PC capable of doing 100K-300K emails a day?
> Does anyone know what kind of system the Senate currently uses?

Looks like Solstice Internet Mail Server (Sun product)

Connected to mail.senate.gov.
Escape character is '^]'.
220 mailsims1.senate.gov -- Server ESMTP (Sun Internet Mail Server


I'm having a problem with a new customer converting from another isp.
This customer is using Ms Mail 3.x? with Nemex Messenger to retrieve all
mail for their domain via pop3 and handle delivery on their end to the
individuals. Thus all mail for the domain needs to be delivered to a
single pop3 account. This situation worked fine under a previous
sendmail setup of their old isp.

    I am using qmail 1.0.3 with a rather modified vchkpw virtual domain
package. It works great except for this situation. I setup no user boxes
and left it all to bounce to the postmaster account which the customer
took delivery from. This left 2 issues:

1) Delivered-To: headers wreak havock with their mail delivery via nemex
messenger. It works fine for individuals, however mailing lists with the
list name as the recepient do not get delivered correctly. This may be
an issue for nemex to handle, however since it worked under sendmail
(please, no comments, I need to fix the customer despite which app is
better or correct in usage etc) I need to find a way around it. Nemex
uses a rules sorting to determine which lists go where. Rather sloppy,
but hey, I didnt choose it. I have read the posts regarding removal of
the Delivered-To header..I need a quick temp fix as the customer will be
upgrading to an exchange server and using etrn in 2 months time and this
will no longer be an issue.

2) Mail sent to multiple receptients at the domain is received by qmail,
split up into multiple deliveries (one for each recepient in the
original message) and then all dropped in the same pop3 box, resulting
in each recepient receiving a copy for each receptient at that domain
(they had a mail sent to 41 people at the company today.. 41 copies to
each of the 41 users did not go over to well). I know there must be a
way around this but I'm still rather new to qmail..again, a quick
temporary fix is all I need to get me through 2 or so months.

Thanks in advance for any assistance,

Stephen Comoletti
Delanet, Inc.

I have seen reference to an addon called "vchkpw" for qmail, 
but I cannot seem to find out where it is located. Anyone
know off hand? I have a patch for it I want to use, but looks
like I need the main files in order to.

Bob Schader                               _.-{__}-._
CAD Systems Administrator               .:-'`____`'-:.
Product Design International, Inc.     /_.-"`_  _`"-._\
4880 36th St. S.E., Suite 100         /`   / .\/. \   `\
Grand Rapids, MI 49512                |    \__/\__/    |
Phone: 616-667-2600                 .-\                /-.
Fax: 616-667-2692                  /   '._-.__--__.-_.'   \
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]    \'.    `""""""""`'`   __\
**********************************(__)|        '        \___)
                                     `_________'________ \


    You can find it at http://www.inter7.com/qmail/. Current release is


Stephen Comoletti
Delanet, Inc.

Robert Schader wrote:

> I have seen reference to an addon called "vchkpw" for qmail,
> but I cannot seem to find out where it is located. Anyone
> know off hand? I have a patch for it I want to use, but looks
> like I need the main files in order to.
> Thanks,
> **********************************************__
> Bob Schader                               _.-{__}-._
> CAD Systems Administrator               .:-'`____`'-:.
> Product Design International, Inc.     /_.-"`_  _`"-._\
> 4880 36th St. S.E., Suite 100         /`   / .\/. \   `\
> Grand Rapids, MI 49512                |    \__/\__/    |
> Phone: 616-667-2600                 .-\                /-.
> Fax: 616-667-2692                  /   '._-.__--__.-_.'   \
> Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]    \'.    `""""""""`'`   __\
> **********************************(__)|        '        \___)
>                                      `_________'________ \
>                                     `--------------------`

That's part of the VMailMgr package, an add-on for QMail which, among
other things, lets users have multiple POP3 mailboxes under their
account (great for virtual domain hosting).

The software is available at http://em.ca/~bruceg/vmailmgr/.

Robert Schader wrote:
> I have seen reference to an addon called "vchkpw" for qmail,
> but I cannot seem to find out where it is located. Anyone
> know off hand? I have a patch for it I want to use, but looks
> like I need the main files in order to.
> Thanks,
> **********************************************__
> Bob Schader                               _.-{__}-._
> CAD Systems Administrator               .:-'`____`'-:.
> Product Design International, Inc.     /_.-"`_  _`"-._\
> 4880 36th St. S.E., Suite 100         /`   / .\/. \   `\
> Grand Rapids, MI 49512                |    \__/\__/    |
> Phone: 616-667-2600                 .-\                /-.
> Fax: 616-667-2692                  /   '._-.__--__.-_.'   \
> Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]    \'.    `""""""""`'`   __\
> **********************************(__)|        '        \___)
>                                      `_________'________ \
>                                     `--------------------`

Lane "Sandman" Rettig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

"To punish me for my contempt for authority,
 Fate made me an authority myself." - Albert Einstein

Hope this is what you're looking for :-)


Robert Schader wrote:

> I have seen reference to an addon called "vchkpw" for qmail,
> but I cannot seem to find out where it is located. Anyone
> know off hand? I have a patch for it I want to use, but looks
> like I need the main files in order to.
> Thanks,
> **********************************************__
> Bob Schader                               _.-{__}-._
> CAD Systems Administrator               .:-'`____`'-:.
> Product Design International, Inc.     /_.-"`_  _`"-._\
> 4880 36th St. S.E., Suite 100         /`   / .\/. \   `\
> Grand Rapids, MI 49512                |    \__/\__/    |
> Phone: 616-667-2600                 .-\                /-.
> Fax: 616-667-2692                  /   '._-.__--__.-_.'   \
> Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]    \'.    `""""""""`'`   __\
> **********************************(__)|        '        \___)
>                                      `_________'________ \
>                                     `--------------------`

Fred Backman
Lead Wizard
Binary Spells

I have an IMAP mailbox and I have read in the fetchmail-doc that I could keep
out the spam mails; fetchmail dowloads the mail header and body separate.
If fetchmail download the header and get an error code [550, 570] it 
doesnt't download the body of the mail. 
How could I do that with qmail?


- Debian 2.1 / 2.0.36 / qmail  -

Hard to believe I got so many quick responses!
Thanks to all,
Bob Schader                               _.-{__}-._
CAD Systems Administrator               .:-'`____`'-:.
Product Design International, Inc.     /_.-"`_  _`"-._\
4880 36th St. S.E., Suite 100         /`   / .\/. \   `\
Grand Rapids, MI 49512                |    \__/\__/    |
Phone: 616-667-2600                 .-\                /-.
Fax: 616-667-2692                  /   '._-.__--__.-_.'   \
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]    \'.    `""""""""`'`   __\
**********************************(__)|        '        \___)
                                     `_________'________ \

I am sure this has come up before but I have not been able to find
a complete answer.  I have a list of virtual users and virtual domains
stored in a mysql database.  I want the users to get their mail via POP (or
web pages that use POP).  There will be no real accounts on this system.
I see how I can substitute checkpassword for users getting their mail
via POP.  How do I get qmail-smtp to deliver the mail to these
virtual users by looking up account in the database?  Does code
already exist to do this?

Andy Kowalski

In article <004601beb137$cd758020$[EMAIL PROTECTED]> you wrote:
> I am sure this has come up before but I have not been able to find
> a complete answer.  I have a list of virtual users and virtual domains
> stored in a mysql database.  I want the users to get their mail via POP (or
> web pages that use POP).  There will be no real accounts on this system.
> I see how I can substitute checkpassword for users getting their mail
> via POP.  How do I get qmail-smtp to deliver the mail to these
> virtual users by looking up account in the database?  Does code
> already exist to do this?

Unfortunately I can't provide you with code to do this - but can assure
you that it is indeed possible.

I have an automatic signup server (using PHP+MySQL) which creates users
accounts.  Dialup auths directly from MySQL via Radiator(RADIUS).
Each "user" gets a full 'virtualdomain' as their username with
[EMAIL PROTECTED] going to their maildir.

I wrote my own checkpasswd which also auths directly and delivery program
which first checks to see if the maildrop exists.  If it doesn't then it
checks the MySql db for the domain to see if it is a valid user, if so
it creates the Maildir in the correct place and delivers the mail.  If it
does already exist it assumes it is ok and delivers without a DB query.

One "gotcha" is that the POP3 checkpasswd, if it auths OK, must create the
Maildir also if it doesn't exist or the user will get unexpected errors.

Good luck with it.


Email pgregg at tibus.net |       CLUB24       | Email pgregg at nyx.net    | 
Technical Director        |      INTERNET      | System Administrator       |
The Internet Business Ltd |    Free  Access    | Nyx Public Access Internet |
http://www.tibus.net      |  www.club24.co.uk  | http://www.nyx.net         |

I am a (former) NT user who has been running a RH 5.2 box for a couple of 
weeks. I tried to install Q-Mail this weekend but I have a few questions... 
(dumb ones I'm sure)

I do not really understand the "aliases" concept. I probably screwed them 
up due to me trying to learn to do this by following directions from 
various sources. I installed the UCSP package and setup TCPSERVER to launch 
Qmail (how do I check to see if it is running?) I did a "PS X" command 
after reboot.I do not see qmail running... I was told to put a TCPSERVER 
command in the /etc/rc.local, not sure I did that right either! How do I 
setup Qmail-Pop3D? Do I need it if I install the "vchkpw" package?
How do I check to see if anything is working?

Please don't flame! Already frustrated. I actually think if someone helps 
me I will get it running soon.
Think I've missed a fwe key things though... Please be patient...

Peter van der Landen writes:
> Is quoting the forward argument with "" characters sufficient protection?

Yes. If you say

   | forward "$DEFAULT"@whatever

then the shell will pass the uninterpreted contents of $DEFAULT, plus
@whatever, to the forward program as a single argument.


I'm getting more and more frustrated with email zines sent
from [what I think are] misconfigured mail servers. I'd like
to make sure I'm right before I follow up with the offending

An MX record must contain a domain name, not an IP address, right?

How do you effectively deal with ezines that have bad envelope
senders? I've come across many that use the default Return-Path:
even though there's no MTA listening there, nor is there a
valid MX record.

Note, I can't just block this mail because it is important
to my users. The problems arise when a user leaves or 
subscribes with a misspelled address. The bounces can't
get back to the sender and so they don't get automagically
unsubscribed until I deal with it manually.

BTW, I'm using a stock qmail 1.0.1 installation.


Leonard Mastrototaro    Systems Administrator   Click3X New York
[EMAIL PROTECTED]       212-627-1900            http://www.click3x.com

    "Yeah well ... The Dude abides." -- http://www.lebowski.com

On Mon, Jun 07, 1999 at 11:25:01PM -0400, Lenny Mastrototaro wrote:
> I'm getting more and more frustrated with email zines sent
> from [what I think are] misconfigured mail servers. I'd like
> to make sure I'm right before I follow up with the offending
> postmasters.
> An MX record must contain a domain name, not an IP address, right?

Correct. An MX may _only_ contain a domain name. This domain name itself
should be an A record pointing to an IP. Don't use CNAMEs here.

> How do you effectively deal with ezines that have bad envelope
> senders? I've come across many that use the default Return-Path:
> even though there's no MTA listening there, nor is there a
> valid MX record.

They'll just double/triplebounce I suppose...

> Note, I can't just block this mail because it is important
> to my users. The problems arise when a user leaves or 
> subscribes with a misspelled address. The bounces can't
> get back to the sender and so they don't get automagically
> unsubscribed until I deal with it manually.

Hmm that _is_ a good point. I'd say get out your LARTstick and let those
admins know what they're doing wrong..

> BTW, I'm using a stock qmail 1.0.1 installation.

Hmm why not upgrade to 1.03?

Greetz, Peter
| 'He broke my heart,    |                              Peter van Dijk |
     I broke his neck'   |                     [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
   nognikz - As the sun  |        Hardbeat@ircnet - #cistron/#linux.nl |
                         | Hardbeat@undernet - #groningen/#kinkfm/#vdh |

Lenny Mastrototaro said once upon a time (Mon, 7 Jun 1999):

> BTW, I'm using a stock qmail 1.0.1 installation.

qmail 1.0.3 relaxes that restiction and allows for incorrect MX records
that are only IP addresses.

Lenny Mastrototaro writes:

> An MX record must contain a domain name, not an IP address, right?

Correct, RFC1035 is crystal clear about it.

> How do you effectively deal with ezines that have bad envelope
> senders?

I bounce it.  However, I'm not sure that existing patches correctly detect
broken MX records of this kind.

> Note, I can't just block this mail because it is important
> to my users. The problems arise when a user leaves or 
> subscribes with a misspelled address. The bounces can't
> get back to the sender and so they don't get automagically
> unsubscribed until I deal with it manually.

Well, you'll have to make a judgement call here.  You'll either have to
continuously waste time dealing with other people's mistakes, or you'll
have to tell your users that their mailing list provider doesn't know how
to properly configure his machines, and that's why they're not getting
their mailing list traffic.


On Fri 1999-06-04 (10:54), Don Rose wrote:
> I know this has been posted in the past, but I can't figure it out for the
> life of me.  Here's what I'm trying to do:
> Take a username and password from user entry (CGI script).
> Check it against the master password database.
> I have tried the command-line solution given on the qmail.org homepage,
> but I can't make it work.  Here's been my try so far :
> I have printed the string "user\000password\000Y123456\000" into a file
> using a perl script, so it turns the \000 into the null character
> checkpassword is looking for (I believe.  I then pass the file to
> checkpassword like so :
> /bin/checkpassword /bin/id 3<test.file

I've been here before. I tried every possible combination of that test that I
could think of until I discovered that on my FreeBSD and Linux systems id is
in /usr/bin/id rather than /bin/id. Perhaps you're having the same problem.

> Just like it says on the page.  This results in nothing happening, hence I
> take it the password is not being accepted even though it is correct.  I
> am running on FreeBSD 3.1, and checkpassword works with the qmail install
> I have, so I know my version works.  But I need to be able to use it from
> the command line, or at least something other than qmail-popup.  It is the
> most secure way of checking a password by a non-root application I can
> think of, and that is allowed by my boss.  can someone help me out please?
> Thanks.

  - Keith
Keith Burdis - MSc (Com Sci) - Rhodes University, South Africa  
WWW     : http://www.rucus.ru.ac.za/~keith/
IRC     : Panthras                                          JAPH

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