On Tue, 8 Jun 1999 12:27:26 -0500 (CDT), Jeff Hayward wrote:

>Unfortunately, medical science has determined that the type of brain
>damage that leads to rejection of mail based on no message-id is
>often associated with symptoms of rejecting null envelope senders,
>i.e. bounces.  These patients often claim that "the voices" have
>told them that both of these items are spam markers.
>Treatment is available, and we're all hoping for a cure.

Unfortunately, the selective pressures on spammers are considerably
stronger than on sysadmins. Thus, a sufficient number of hosts boucing
messages with some syntactic flaw will rapidly lead to changes in bulk
mailers/spammers. Sysadmins will meanwhile throw out a few babies with
the bath water.

-Sincerely, Fred

(Frederik Lindberg, Infectious Diseases, WashU, St. Louis, MO, USA)

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