Change this line in dns.c:

 static union { HEADER hdr; unsigned char buf[PACKETSZ]; } response;

to this line:

 static union { HEADER hdr; unsigned char buf[1<<15]; } response;

then recompile. Not that it makes a difference, but I also run on dunix. 

Andy Walden                        Work Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Network Administrator,             Pers Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
MTCO Communications                Phone: (800) 859-6826
  " Reality is just Chaos with better lighting. "

On Fri, 11 Jun 1999, Stanley Horwitz wrote:

> Hello folks:
> On there's that update to fix problems dealing with
> AOL's long DNS records. I apologize if this seems a stupid question, but
> how to I apply this update to my Digital Unix qmail installation? There's
> nothing in the update itself or in the faq file that covers this nor have
> I located any relevant information in the archived postings for this list.
> Thanks

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