qmail Digest 12 Jun 1999 10:00:01 -0000 Issue 669

Topics (messages 26548 through 26570):

AOL dns update?
        26548 by: Stanley Horwitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        26550 by: Andy Walden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

cron complaing about qmail
        26549 by: Harald Hanche-Olsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

aliases for foo.bar
        26551 by: Albert Hopkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        26552 by: "Greg Owen {gowen}" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        26553 by: "Timothy L. Mayo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

qmail-pop3d and Netscape
        26554 by: Jaden Duncan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Modify bounce text
        26555 by: Andre Oppermann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Relaying "problema"...
        26556 by: Rafael Pirolla <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

nullclient relaying and local host names
        26557 by: "Greg Owen {gowen}" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        26558 by: Harald Hanche-Olsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        26559 by: "Greg Owen {gowen}" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        26560 by: Harald Hanche-Olsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

SMTP Connections
        26561 by: Thomas Balle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

        26562 by: "Johan Van Gompel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        26563 by: "Johan Van Gompel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Messages reinjected to this mailing list
        26564 by: "Mark Weinem" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        26565 by: "Sam" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        26566 by: Giles Lean <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        26568 by: John Conover <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        26570 by: John R Levine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

parallel rblsmtpd
        26567 by: Aaron Nabil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

virtual domain user .qmail-default question
        26569 by: Basit Shehram <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


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Hello folks:

On http://www.qmail.org there's that update to fix problems dealing with
AOL's long DNS records. I apologize if this seems a stupid question, but
how to I apply this update to my Digital Unix qmail installation? There's
nothing in the update itself or in the faq file that covers this nor have
I located any relevant information in the archived postings for this list.


Change this line in dns.c:

 static union { HEADER hdr; unsigned char buf[PACKETSZ]; } response;

to this line:

 static union { HEADER hdr; unsigned char buf[1<<15]; } response;

then recompile. Not that it makes a difference, but I also run on dunix. 

Andy Walden                        Work Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Network Administrator,             Pers Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
MTCO Communications                Phone: (800) 859-6826
  " Reality is just Chaos with better lighting. "

On Fri, 11 Jun 1999, Stanley Horwitz wrote:

> Hello folks:
> On http://www.qmail.org there's that update to fix problems dealing with
> AOL's long DNS records. I apologize if this seems a stupid question, but
> how to I apply this update to my Digital Unix qmail installation? There's
> nothing in the update itself or in the faq file that covers this nor have
> I located any relevant information in the archived postings for this list.
> Thanks

+ "Chris Garrigues" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

| > From:  "Chris Garrigues" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| > Date:  Wed, 09 Jun 1999 09:26:11 -0500
| >
| > I've got a system on which cron keeps dying.
| > 
| > Would it work to run cron under supervise?
| As I worked on tracking this problem down, I found that the last log entries for
| vixie-cron were:
| root (06/06-00:00:15-15757) MAIL (mailed 11060 bytes of output but got status 0x006f
| )
| root (06/06-00:00:15-30191) MAIL (mailed 11839 bytes of output but got status 0x006f
| )
| root (06/06-00:00:15-17528) MAIL (mailed 7360 bytes of output but got status 0x006f
| )
| root (06/06-00:00:15-4607) MAIL (mailed 13738 bytes of output but got status 0x006f
| )
| and Vixie asked me why qmail was sending a non-zero error code.

Hmmm. 0x006f=111 is the usual exit code for temporary errors in the
qmail suite of programs.

| here's the qmail log from that time (run through tailocal):

Probably irrelevant.  If qmail-queue did not manage to complete
delivery, the message will not show up in the queue, and hence there
should not be any trace of it in the qmail log.

If you see these messages only once in a while, I would assume some
resource is temporarily exhausted, causing the mailing operation to
fail.  If it happens every time cron tries to send mail, maybe it's
time to start tracing system calls to find out what is going on.

- Harald

I'm new to qmail, but I haven't found any documentation as to why, when
setting up aliases, .qmail-foo works but .qmail-foo.bar (with a ".") gives
me a user-unknown error.

Albert Hopkins
Sr. Systems Specialist
Dynacare, Inc

> I'm new to qmail, but I haven't found any documentation as to why, when
> setting up aliases, .qmail-foo works but .qmail-foo.bar (with a ".") gives
> me a user-unknown error.

    From the FAQ:

4.6. How do I create aliases with dots? I tried setting up
~alias/.qmail-P.D.Q.Bach, but it doesn't do anything.

Answer: Use .qmail-p:d:q:bach. Dots are converted to colons, and
uppercase is converted to lowercase.

    gowen -- Greg Owen -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>From "man dot-qmail":

WARNING: For security, qmail-local replaces any dots in ext with colons
before checking .qmail-ext.  For convenience, qmail-local converts any
uppercase letters in ext to lowercase.


.qmail-foo:bar will work as you intend.

On Fri, 11 Jun 1999, Albert Hopkins wrote:

> I'm new to qmail, but I haven't found any documentation as to why, when
> setting up aliases, .qmail-foo works but .qmail-foo.bar (with a ".") gives
> me a user-unknown error.
> --
> Albert Hopkins
> Sr. Systems Specialist
> Dynacare, Inc

Timothy L. Mayo                         mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Senior Systems Administrator

The National Business Network Inc.      http://www.nb.net/
One Monroeville Center, Suite 850
Monroeville, PA  15146
(412) 810-8888 Phone
(412) 810-8886 Fax

I'm curious if anyone else has seen the following symptoms that I am
currently seeing running qmail-1.03 with the patch to fix the Netscape
status bar.

If a user checks mail using Netscape 4.03 (don't know about some of the
others) some of the mail items will get lost.  The user might have 15
messages in their account and when done only end up with 5 and the other 10
have disappeared.  This can be replicated over both a modem link and an
ethernet link.

I've tested with 4.08, 4.5, 4.51,and 4.6 and cannot seem to replicate it.
Even though 4.03 will gladly devour them.  

If anyone has any clues or ideas I'd appreciate hearing them.


Roger Merchberger wrote:
> >> >Is there a simple way to drop in a new text for these types of
> >> >failure notices, without modifying qmail-send.c ?
> >>
> >> No.
> >Sigh. Oh well =)
> Is it that you're deathly afraid / unknowledgeable of C programming? To
> modify qmail-send.c to change the input from immediate (within the program)
> to a file in /var/qmail/control shouldn't be hard at all -- even I could do
> it and I'm no wizard in C, by any means.

There's a working patch to qmail-send.c in the qmail-ldap patch at

> What would take the longest (for me) is quadruple-checking my work to make
> sure that it doesn't open up any security holes... I wouldn't want to make
> the most secure MTA available any less so due to a screw-up on my part.
> However, opening a file every time there's a bounce would slow down qmail
> some -- if you generate quite a few bounces this could mean a bit of a
> performance hit.

Not at all. First those control files are read only at startup of qmail
and second how many bounce message do you generate per second?

> Let me know if you need my help in making the change!
> Hope this helps,
> Roger "Merch" Merchberger



     I can’t solve the puzzle ...  For I think is the only word for the
“problem” I’ve been handling...

    ==> I got a running qmail that was suposed to relay all messages
incoming for a specific machine... For that I put the domain of that
machine in my rcpthosts file and “domain.com:[]” in the
smtproutes file...   Observe that I have my qmail-smtp running under
tcpserver with some RELAYCLIENTS set by IP. [] is one of
them, so it is ignoring my rcpthosts file I presume...

    All set... It should work... But it doesn’t! When I sent a message
to [EMAIL PROTECTED] the message bounces with that “No Mailbox here by
that name.” Error message. It is disturbing ! I swear  that domain.com
is not present in my locals file!!! ...  I am beginning  to think that
the problem could be on the machine that I’m relaying the messages...
For it is using the Sendmail program... :o(




    Given a client nullclient.scansoft.com, and a mail hub
mailhost.scansoft.com, is there any way to force relaying of ALL mail,
including mail to user@me?

    I've removed locals and put ":mailhost.scansoft.com" in smtproutes, as
described in FAQ 2.1 and 2.2.  So, when attempting to mail to:

/var/qmail/control/me contains: nullclient.scansoft.com

gowen     -> goes to mailhost
[EMAIL PROTECTED]    -> goes to mailhost
gowen@nullclient    -> delivered locally on nullclient
[EMAIL PROTECTED] -> delivered locally on nullclient

    Is there any way to force those last two to go to mailhost, as well?
IIRC you run into some software (like Cron) that try to deliver to

    gowen -- Greg Owen -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]

+ "Greg Owen {gowen}" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

|     I've removed locals

Don't.  When locals isn't there, qmail-send uses me in its place.
Just use an empty locals file instead.

- Harald

> + "Greg Owen {gowen}" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> |     I've removed locals
> Don't.  When locals isn't there, qmail-send uses me in its place.
> Just use an empty locals file instead.

    Bingo.  Of course, now the mail server rejects it because it doesn't
treat [EMAIL PROTECTED] as local, but I'm halfway there.


    gowen -- Greg Owen -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]

+ "Greg Owen {gowen}" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

| > + "Greg Owen {gowen}" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
| > |     I've removed locals
| >
| > Don't.  When locals isn't there, qmail-send uses me in its place.
| > Just use an empty locals file instead.
|     Bingo.  Of course, now the mail server rejects it because it
| doesn't treat [EMAIL PROTECTED] as local, but I'm halfway
| there.

Two or three solutions: The first, which you may dislike, is to put
nullclient.scansoft.com into the locals file on the server.

Perhaps better is to create a virtual domain on the nullclient:

echo 'nullclient.scansoft.com:nullclient'> control/virtualdomains
echo 'nullclient.scansoft.com' > control/locals
echo '|forward "${DEFAULT}@scansoft.com"' > alias/.qmail-nullclient-default

Personally, I prefer the third solution, which is a mini-qmail setup
on the nullclient.

- Harald

> >Lately I have had many SMTP connections from 2 different danish ISPs, one
> >of them has 4 mailservers which keeps on making connections like the one 
> below:
> >
> >Jun  9 22:51:07 mpfgw1 smtpd3: 928961467.445214 tcpserver: end 29731 
> status 256
> >Jun  9 22:51:07 mpfgw1 smtpd3: 928961467.445660 tcpserver: status: 0/20
> >Jun  9 22:51:07 mpfgw1 smtpd3: 928961467.445905 tcpserver: status: 1/20
> >Jun  9 22:51:07 mpfgw1 smtpd3: 928961467.446159 tcpserver: pid 29734 from
> >
> >Jun  9 22:51:07 mpfgw1 smtpd3: 928961467.446453 tcpserver: ok 29734
> >mail.relay1.webben.dk: 
> fep4.post.tele.dk:
> >
> >Is it their servers that are broken or is it mine ?
>What exactly do you think is abnormal about that?

The strange thing is that they dont deliver any mail when they connect, 
they merely connect repeatedly, up to several times a minute, and when that 
happens from 5 different servers at a time it does tie up rather many 

> >Its a bit annoying as they tie up lots of smtp connections which sometimes
> >causes my smtp server to timeout to other "good" connections.
>Nothing in that log snippet demonstrates a client that's hogging an
>SMTP connection. That might be the case, but that snippet doesn't show

You're right, I have should have pointed out how frequently it did so.
What is strange too is that even now two days after I can see in my 
firewall log that it continues with connection attempts in the same rate.

Well anyway I dont have a clue why they do so, I have exchanged mail with 
regularly before, and now they connect fine to my relay server, thus I get 
the deliveries that way.


No matter what I do, I keep getting a 'deferral:
Unable_to_find_alias_user!\' error with every message I try to send. Three
weeks ago we fully tested our qmail server and it passed with flying
colors. Nothing changed since then except for an upgrade from the 2.2.8 to
the 2.2.9 kernel. I've been at it all day trying to solve this problem,
even reinstalled from scratch a number of times but to no avail. Of course,
the server is due to go online right after this week-end. Lucky me. :(

I'm using Debian 2.1/2.2.9 kernel. Before recompiling qmail I
user/groupdel'ed all qmail related users and groups and re-user/groupadd'ed
them. I figured someone or something could have changed the alias user's
uid and/or gid but that doesn't seem to be the probleming.

Does anyone have a clue? There must be another option besides simply
reinstalling the entire system.

Johan Van Gompel

David Sutton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>   Long shot I know, but still...
>   Have you checked the permissions on the password file? I once got this
and found it was because
>   the passwd file had been set to rwx------ .. thus rendering it unable
to be read by qmail

That's it! I finally got that long awaited (15 hours actually;) 'delivery:
success: did_1+0+0' entry in /var/log/syslog. Oh wel, yet another
hard-learned lesson. You gotta love Linux. Thanks!

Johan Van Gompel

D. J. Bernstein:

> This sort of idiocy happens much more often than most subscribers know,
> thanks to a broken piece of software by Eric Raymond called fetchmail.

Is there a good fetchmail alternative?

Mark Weinem 

On Sat, 12 Jun 1999, Mark Weinem wrote:

> D. J. Bernstein:
> > This sort of idiocy happens much more often than most subscribers know,
> > thanks to a broken piece of software by Eric Raymond called fetchmail.
> Is there a good fetchmail alternative?

Perl, C, even shell will do.  The POP3 protocol is so trivial, that any
scripting language will do the job.  I took one look at what a pig
fetchmail is, I got rid of it ASAP, and quickly coded my own client in

On Sat, 12 Jun 1999 03:45:53 +0200  "Mark Weinem" wrote:

> D. J. Bernstein:
> > This sort of idiocy happens much more often than most subscribers know,
> > thanks to a broken piece of software by Eric Raymond called fetchmail.
> Is there a good fetchmail alternative?

Fetchmail to pick up mail from a POP3 or IMAP mailbox and deliver it
locally is reasonable.  Not a great program, but it mostly works.

When fetchmail is used to turn a single POP3 or IMAP maildrop into a
mail spool for a whole domain there are problems.  To do this
fetchmail wants to:

(i)   download the mail (fair enough)
(ii)  figure out the envelope sender and recipient addresses (Danger!)
(iii) re-inject the mail into a local mail spool (hmm)

Much goes wrong at point (ii), since sendmail sometimes trashes
envelope recipient information.  There are also opportunities to mess
up at (iii), either by misconfiguration or when the MTA the mail is
injected into is really lame.

Good alternatives for spooling mail for a domain for later retrieval
include serialmail, on-demand SMTP and even UUCP.



Giles Lean writes:
> Good alternatives for spooling mail for a domain for later retrieval
> include serialmail, on-demand SMTP and even UUCP.

Good point. I use uucp with qmail for the users on my domain, and it
works wonderfully.

Unfortunately, ISPs that support uucp are kind of fading into the

Is there a way of doing on-demand SMTP without an IP for the client
machine? (Ie., the client is IP masqueraded, and uses a private
network IP-ETRN requires an IP.)




John Conover, 631 Lamont Ct., Campbell, CA., 95008, USA.
VOX 408.370.2688, FAX 408.379.9602, whois '!JC154'
[EMAIL PROTECTED], http://www2.inow.com/~conover/john.html

>Is there a way of doing on-demand SMTP without an IP for the client
>machine? (Ie., the client is IP masqueraded, and uses a private
>network IP-ETRN requires an IP.)

Russ Nelson has some great hacks around serialmail.  One of the best
uses a dummy POP mailbox, and every time there's a successful login on
that POP mailbox, fires up serialmail to send all of the spooled mail
to the IP that's POP-ing.  It was about three lines of code.

If your client dials in using PPP to a Unix box, it's usually easy to
start serialmail from the PPP startup script, again to whatever IP
they're connected on, so the mail gets delivered each time they call

John R. Levine, IECC, POB 727, Trumansburg NY 14886 +1 607 387 6869
[EMAIL PROTECTED], Village Trustee and Sewer Commissioner, http://iecc.com/johnl, 
Member, Provisional board, Coalition Against Unsolicited Commercial E-mail

I did an experiment that may be of interest.  I parallelized a
stand-alone command line rbl program (1) that can check "a bunch"
(I had it check 6) of rbl-ish lists in series.

I used pthreads.  For non-cached answers the parallel version 
took about 1.1 to 1.5x as long, for cached answers about 10x as 

Some simple experiments lead me to the conclusion that the pthread
creation overhead is very large in comparison to the delay of
just waiting for the resolver to get the answer.

Compared to forking though, I'd imagine creating a thread is
a stroll in the park.  I'm going to see if I can hack it up
(without the pthreads, tho) to drop into where rblsmtp goes.  I'm
guessing it will be a zillion times faster.

(1) http://www.xnet.com/~emarshal/rblcheck/

Aaron Nabil

dear sirs,

i'm having some slight trouble.

my qmail/control/virtualdomains file containts the following:


now, the problem is, in teh ~basit directory, i have a
.qmail-auxilium42.com-info file, and a .qmail-auxilium42.net-info and .org

any mail sent to, [EMAIL PROTECTED]/net/org works out fine. the problem
is, when i create a .qmail-auxilium42.com-default file, it does not work. 

like, if i create teh above default file, and i send email to
[EMAIL PROTECTED], it instead gets caught by the ~alias user, who
has a .qmail-default file to catch all otehr emails.

any help given would be appreciated.


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