On 19 Jun 1999, Chris Bond wrote:
> Hi,
> I've been trying to implement a web based email system using imp.  To do this 
> imap is required, I'm currenting using 4.6BETA (4.5 does the same tho) with the 
> maildir patches in the contributed area.

I have done exactly this. Well, almost exactly. We are using IMAP 4.5, but
the only patch I have applied is an "INBOX is $HOME/Mailbox" tweak. As
this implies, we are using mbox, not Maildir format. As it stands now,
there is no imap server that supports maildirs well enough to use in a
production environment now.

> There seems to be serveral bugs (or features!) that seem to break certain parts 
> of imp, the first is that it never seems to be able to get the status correctly 
> for new mails, etc.  The second i've noticed is that Create new folders, it 
> does not create ~user/dir with all its subdirectories!  Has anybody made a 
> patch that fixes this or has plans to?

First of all, make sure you have the latest version of imp (2.0.7,
released 6/14/99), as that version specifically fixed problems getting and
setting IMAP status flags.

The other problem you are seeing is a result of the imap-maildir patch
being far from complete. It has several known issues including :
  -- new maildir folders are deformed
  -- can't copy between maildirs and mbox format folders

The only two alternatives that I saw were to abandon maildirs or use
something like Cyrus imap. I chose to abandon maildirs, as that made it
pretty easy to migrate to maildirs at some later date if a better imap
server shows up.

> It would be really great to see qmail-imap by Dan & Co as part of qmail 1.04, 
> is they any plans for this?

We can only hope so.

> Regards,
> Chris
> --
>   --==== Chris Bond ====--
>     --================--


Russ Steffen

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