On Mon 1999-06-21 (14:32), Stewart Jeacocke wrote:
> I have been trying to automate the uploading of messages from a Maildir
> to a remote SMTP server (my isp's). Using serialmail on RedHat 6
> If I execute
> /usr/local/bin/maildirsmtp ~alias/pppqueue alias-ppp-
> smtpmail.globalnet.co.uk jeacocke
> at the command prompt all works fine
> However when I put it in a /etc/ppp/ip-up.local script it doesn't work
> Any Ideas

>From the maildirsmtp man page:

  maildirsmtp needs tcpclient in $PATH

Perhaps when /etc/ppp/ip-up.local executes /usr/local/bin or wherever
tcpclient is, is not in the PATH. Try something like:

  PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin maildirsmtp ~alias/pppqueue ...


> Stewart

  - Keith
Keith Burdis - MSc (Com Sci) - Rhodes University, South Africa  
WWW     : http://www.rucus.ru.ac.za/~keith/
IRC     : Panthras                                          JAPH

"Any technology sufficiently advanced is indistinguishable from a perl script"

Standard disclaimer.

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