Well, from what I've gleaned by reading this list, Crispin has no interest in
supporting maildirs because he has a grudge against either qmail or djb.

Besides that, it's obvious that he's not interested in improving his product.
He doesn't even use autoconf for god's sake..  When I compile PINE on debian
I have to manually edit the makefile so that it compiles with ncurses instead
of termcap..


On Thu, Jul 01, 1999 at 09:19:58AM -0400, Dave Sill wrote:
> "David Harris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >He says that Maildir is unsuitable for large servers because the
> >filesytems serialize creation and deletion of files in a single file
> >system, because the inode and free block tables have to be
> >manipulated.
> Yes, that's what makes maildirs reliable. TANSTAAFL
> >Thus the file creation part of Maildir drivery ends up being
> >serialized and you spend all your time in the filesystem. He states
> >problems with servers processing more than a few hundred messages per
> >second (300+ or so).
> That's a pretty high rate of delivery. Any server delivery nearly that 
> much mail would surely be delivering to multiple file systems.
> -Dave

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