| I have installed qmail-1.03.
| I am able to send and receive mails locally.
| However, I am not able to send or receive mails from anywhere else.
| My control files are as follows:
| [...]
| rcpthosts:

With an empty rcpthosts file, you can never receive mail (unless you
create an open relay by setting RELAYCLIENT).  Check the qmail-smtpd
man page.

| smtproutes:
| :mailhost.soup.ac.uk

As far as I can see, soup.ac.uk is a nonexistent domain, so you will
not be able to send any mail out.

| I would like any m/c to be able to directly connect to any other
| host willing to accept connections (including my mailhost).

Why you would want to connect a motorcycle to the Internet is beyond
me.  Does it run unix?

- Harald

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