Sam writes...
>On Mon, 5 Jul 1999, Aaron Nabil wrote:
>> Sam writes...
>> >On Mon, 5 Jul 1999, Aaron Nabil wrote:
>> >
>> >>  . . .
>> >> UL: x=987654321
>> >> ULL: x=87654321
>> >
>> >Your native compiler has a bug.
>> A warning or error would be desirable if ULL isn't part of the 
>> implementation's grammar (instead of silently emitting broken code).
>> Or were you suggesting the reason it's broken was that it doesn't 
>> grok "ULL" but should?
>No, the reason its broken is because when casting an ULL to UL, the
>compiler appears to simply lop off the topmost digits until the number
>fits into an UL, instead of taking the remainder of the ULL divided by

That's not the problem.  On an alpha, a "long long" and a "long" are
both 8 bytes, no casting required.  Besides, even on a sizeof(long) = 8
machine, 987654321 would still fit inside a long.

>This should happen automatically even if compiler does not support ULL,
>however, in that case, it should really refuse to compile it in the first


Or the author could have taken avoided using non-standard C in the first

Aaron Nabil

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