qmail Digest 6 Jul 1999 10:00:01 -0000 Issue 693

Topics (messages 27611 through 27629):

I always get a copy of the reply.
        27611 by: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        27615 by: Harald Hanche-Olsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

        27612 by: Bastian Hoyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        27613 by: Daniel Garcia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Excessive build-up of log file at MAILHOST end.
        27614 by: Harald Hanche-Olsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

pop3d question
        27616 by: "Leon Vismer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        27624 by: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ()

Does qmail work with pop if smtp is not to be used.
        27617 by: Chris Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

        27618 by: Anand Buddhdev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        27628 by: "Racer X" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

mess822 and ULL
        27619 by: Aaron Nabil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        27620 by: "Sam" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        27623 by: Aaron Nabil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        27625 by: "Sam" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        27626 by: Aaron Nabil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        27627 by: Aaron Nabil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

problem with pop-ing my mail.
        27621 by: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        27622 by: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

HELP: q-mail and shadow password
        27629 by: Manohar Pradhan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


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How can I suppress the MY copy of every reply that I send?



| How can I suppress the MY copy of every reply that I send?

Read the documentation for your mail program.  Qmail does not send
copies of replies unless your mail program asks it to.

- Harald


I'm looking for a replacement for checkpasswd which supports a second
passwd-file for pop3 accounts without linux-user and which supports

Can you help me, please ?

Bastian Hoyer

On Mon, Jul 05, 1999 at 01:04:20PM +0200, Bastian Hoyer wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm looking for a replacement for checkpasswd which supports a second
> passwd-file for pop3 accounts without linux-user and which supports
> Can you help me, please ?
> Bastian Hoyer
Bruce Guenter's Vmailmgr is simply great, look at the checkpasswd replacements
in qmail's page.
I've been running it for a year with no problem at all.

Daniel Garcia
Administrateur Systéme
ANAKINE Communications


| I have just found out that the qmail installation at my site is
| generating a huge failure log at the host site.
| I definitely need to get rid of that problem.
| Can anyone suggest how?

Find out what causes the failures and correct the problem.

- Harald

I was wondering if their was an available extension or way to make qmail-pop3d send mail back to a mail sender after a specific user has checked his mail.
I.o.w if leon send mail to john, that when john comes and checks mail it mails leon with a message to confirm that john has actually logged in to check his mail.
Thanks in advance for your responce
Leon Vismer

Leon Vismer ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

: I was wondering if their was an available extension or way to make =
: qmail-pop3d send mail back to a mail sender after a specific user has =
: checked his mail.
: =20
: I.o.w if leon send mail to john, that when john comes and checks mail it =
: mails leon with a message to confirm that john has actually logged in to =
: check his mail.

In the email, leon should write "John, write me when you get this."
What happens if leon's pop server is the same as john's?
leon could try fingering john's account.


On Mon, Jul 05, 1999 at 10:35:38AM +0100, Chittaranjan Mandal wrote:
> At my site the computer prefers that I should use pop rather than 
> smtp. Does qmail work with pop?

This doesn't make any sense. POP and SMTP are two different protocols, and
they're used for two different purposes--POP for a client to collect mail from
a mail host, and SMTP to transfer mail between mail hosts or between a client
and a mail host. You can't use POP instead of SMTP, because POP doesn't perform
the same functions as SMTP.

You can't use your car's windshield wipers instead of the brakes; you use them


On Sat, Jul 03, 1999 at 10:42:32AM -0400, Alex Miller wrote:

> Jozef,
> You didn't create a mess. It was a mess already. Teaching is a sacred
> activity, as sacred as a meal, each meal is a gift, and every student is the
> first student.

I haven't contributed to the war on this list so far, but I feel I have to
say something: Alex, you've come in and really angered many of us. This
list was so serene and peaceful, until you jumped in. From your posts, you
sound like a little spoon-fed child. And it's exactly the method you're
using to teach newbies. Your words "Teaching is sacred... blah blah..." are
fine, but one never learns properly unless one is taught to question
oneself and the knowledge around them. Spoon-feeding only makes people
dull, and I feel that many of the intellectual people on this list would
prefer to lead a newbie to the answer than serve it on a plate. Please, I
beg of you: stop this war of words, make peace with the list members, close
your mouth, and listen for a while. You might actually like it here, and
learn something along the way.


> Precisely. If such a command existed he could have used it.
> It would work like this.
> the response in his case would have been.
> You are [EMAIL PROTECTED], not a current member of this list.
> That's just clearer than deduction from failure.
> He'd still have to read the header but it could part of a proactive
> procedure to unsubscribe.

Let me get this straight.

You want ezmlm to look at a message from you and tell you who you are?

Is there a reason you are unable to do this yourself?  Is there a reason
you think ezmlm will do a better job than you can?

Judd Bourgeois        |   CNM Network      +1 (805) 520-7170
Software Architect    |   1900 Los Angeles Avenue, 2nd Floor
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   Simi Valley, CA 93065
...yours is not the less noble because no drum beats before you when
you go out into your daily battlefields, and no crowds shout about your
coming when you return from your daily victory or defeat.
     --Robert Louis Stevenson

ULL seems to mean something different on my alpha (using the native
compiler) than on DJB's system.  This isn't too surprising, since ULL
isn't mentioned in Harbison&Steele, and I'm guessing it's not in ANSI.

I guess it could be a compiler bug, too.

include <stdio.h>

main() {
        unsigned long x;
        x = 987654321UL;
        printf ("UL: x=%d\n",x);
        x = 987654321ULL;
        printf ("ULL: x=%d\n",x);


UL: x=987654321
ULL: x=87654321

This was causing funny dates (11 Feb 1963626756636 00:52:22 -0000) from mess822
till I applied the following changes...

diff -c -r dist/mess822-0.58/caltime_tai.c local/mess822-0.58/caltime_tai.c
*** dist/mess822-0.58/caltime_tai.c     Fri Sep 04 19:33:37 1998
--- local/mess822-0.58/caltime_tai.c    Mon Jul 05 11:48:11 1999
*** 19,25 ****
    s = ct->hour * 60 + ct->minute;
    s = (s - ct->offset) * 60 + ct->second;
!   t->x = day * 86400ULL + 4611686014920671114ULL + (long long) s;
    leapsecs_add(t,ct->second == 60);
--- 19,25 ----
    s = ct->hour * 60 + ct->minute;
    s = (s - ct->offset) * 60 + ct->second;
!   t->x = day * 86400UL + 4611686014920671114UL + (long) s;
    leapsecs_add(t,ct->second == 60);
diff -c -r dist/mess822-0.58/caltime_utc.c local/mess822-0.58/caltime_utc.c
*** dist/mess822-0.58/caltime_utc.c     Fri Sep 04 19:33:37 1998
--- local/mess822-0.58/caltime_utc.c    Mon Jul 05 11:48:22 1999
*** 22,35 ****
    u = t2.x;
    u += 58486;
!   s = u % 86400ULL;
    ct->second = (s % 60) + leap; s /= 60;
    ct->minute = s % 60; s /= 60;
    ct->hour = s;
!   u /= 86400ULL;
!   caldate_frommjd(&ct->date,/*XXX*/(long) (u - 53375995543064ULL),pwday,pyday);
    ct->offset = 0;
--- 22,35 ----
    u = t2.x;
    u += 58486;
!   s = u % 86400UL;
    ct->second = (s % 60) + leap; s /= 60;
    ct->minute = s % 60; s /= 60;
    ct->hour = s;
!   u /= 86400UL;
!   caldate_frommjd(&ct->date,/*XXX*/(long) (u - 53375995543064UL),pwday,pyday);
    ct->offset = 0;
diff -c -r dist/mess822-0.58/tai_now.c local/mess822-0.58/tai_now.c
*** dist/mess822-0.58/tai_now.c Fri Sep 04 19:33:37 1998
--- local/mess822-0.58/tai_now.c        Mon Jul 05 11:48:33 1999
*** 4,8 ****
  void tai_now(t)
  struct tai *t;
!   t->x = 4611686018427387914ULL + (uint64) time((long *) 0);
--- 4,8 ----
  void tai_now(t)
  struct tai *t;
!   t->x = 4611686018427387914UL + (uint64) time((long *) 0);

Aaron Nabil

On Mon, 5 Jul 1999, Aaron Nabil wrote:

> ULL seems to mean something different on my alpha (using the native
> compiler) than on DJB's system.  This isn't too surprising, since ULL
> isn't mentioned in Harbison&Steele, and I'm guessing it's not in ANSI.
> I guess it could be a compiler bug, too.
> include <stdio.h>
> main() {
>         unsigned long x;
>         x = 987654321UL;
>         printf ("UL: x=%d\n",x);
>         x = 987654321ULL;
>         printf ("ULL: x=%d\n",x);
> }
> yields...
> UL: x=987654321
> ULL: x=87654321

Your native compiler has a bug.

Sam writes...
>On Mon, 5 Jul 1999, Aaron Nabil wrote:
>>  . . .
>> UL: x=987654321
>> ULL: x=87654321
>Your native compiler has a bug.

A warning or error would be desirable if ULL isn't part of the 
implementation's grammar (instead of silently emitting broken code).

Or were you suggesting the reason it's broken was that it doesn't 
grok "ULL" but should?

Not to put too fine a point on it, but DJB's code is also playing
it a bit fast and loose...

  t->x = 4611686018427387914ULL + (uint64) time((long *) 0); 

...is clearly intending to declare the constant as the same size
as a uint64, a very architecture-specific assumption.  

Aaron Nabil

On Mon, 5 Jul 1999, Aaron Nabil wrote:

> Sam writes...
> >On Mon, 5 Jul 1999, Aaron Nabil wrote:
> >
> >>  . . .
> >> UL: x=987654321
> >> ULL: x=87654321
> >
> >Your native compiler has a bug.
> A warning or error would be desirable if ULL isn't part of the 
> implementation's grammar (instead of silently emitting broken code).
> Or were you suggesting the reason it's broken was that it doesn't 
> grok "ULL" but should?

No, the reason its broken is because when casting an ULL to UL, the
compiler appears to simply lop off the topmost digits until the number
fits into an UL, instead of taking the remainder of the ULL divided by

This should happen automatically even if compiler does not support ULL,
however, in that case, it should really refuse to compile it in the first

Sam writes...
>On Mon, 5 Jul 1999, Aaron Nabil wrote:
>> Sam writes...
>> >On Mon, 5 Jul 1999, Aaron Nabil wrote:
>> >
>> >>  . . .
>> >> UL: x=987654321
>> >> ULL: x=87654321
>> >
>> >Your native compiler has a bug.
>> A warning or error would be desirable if ULL isn't part of the 
>> implementation's grammar (instead of silently emitting broken code).
>> Or were you suggesting the reason it's broken was that it doesn't 
>> grok "ULL" but should?
>No, the reason its broken is because when casting an ULL to UL, the
>compiler appears to simply lop off the topmost digits until the number
>fits into an UL, instead of taking the remainder of the ULL divided by

That's not the problem.  On an alpha, a "long long" and a "long" are
both 8 bytes, no casting required.  Besides, even on a sizeof(long) = 8
machine, 987654321 would still fit inside a long.

>This should happen automatically even if compiler does not support ULL,
>however, in that case, it should really refuse to compile it in the first


Or the author could have taken avoided using non-standard C in the first

Aaron Nabil

Aaron Nabil writes...
>That's not the problem.  On an alpha, a "long long" and a "long" are
>both 8 bytes, no casting required.  Besides, even on a sizeof(long) = 8

Oops, I meant 4, like on an x86.


The command issued was:-
# fetchmail -f /etc/system.fetchmailrc
# cat /etc/system.fetchmailrc 
poll mailhost.brunel.ac.uk protocol pop3 username cspgccm password "secret"

The response I get is as follows:-
91 messages (90 seen) for cspgccm at mailhost.brunel.ac.uk (1119833 bytes).
skipping message 1 not flushed
skipping message 2 not flushed
skipping message 89 not flushed
skipping message 90 not flushed
reading message 91 of 91 (463 bytes) fetchmail: SMTP connect to localhost failed
fetchmail: SMTP transaction error while fetching from mailhost.brunel.ac.uk
fetchmail: Query status=10

There was actually one new message in the mailbox (#91).

Would you be able to shed some light on what is happening, and how the
problem can be solved?

Many thanks,


Pass!  This is a little lower level than our normal queries. I have
forwarded the message on to our systems team for their input.


> The command issued was:-
> # fetchmail -f /etc/system.fetchmailrc
> # cat /etc/system.fetchmailrc 
> poll mailhost.brunel.ac.uk protocol pop3 username cspgccm password "secret"
> The response I get is as follows:-
> 91 messages (90 seen) for cspgccm at mailhost.brunel.ac.uk (1119833 bytes).
> skipping message 1 not flushed
> skipping message 2 not flushed
> ...
> skipping message 89 not flushed
> skipping message 90 not flushed
> reading message 91 of 91 (463 bytes) fetchmail: SMTP connect to localhost failed
> fetchmail: SMTP transaction error while fetching from mailhost.brunel.ac.uk
> fetchmail: Query status=10
> There was actually one new message in the mailbox (#91).
> Would you be able to shed some light on what is happening, and how the
> problem can be solved?
> Many thanks,
> Chitta

/                              |                                       \
|  Robert Turner, PC Services, |           Insanity Rules!             |
|  Brunel University,          |                                       |
|  London, England             |      [EMAIL PROTECTED]       |


I am configuring a new server using Red Hat Linux 5.2. And this time i
am configuring Shadow Password as well as Use Cistron RADIUS.

Is there any special things i shall do to install the Q-mail 1.3? (
for example different checkpassword.. etc)


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