Hi Dave,

I have used your script in lwq to install qmail
and from what I see it is working quite well
I am still setting it up on a test-server
and have not yet connected it to the net

I am in the process of setting up a freemail domain and
I am in the situation that is described in Serialmail
and need to download mail onto various smaller machines that
are beeing installed around in Sri Lankan cities,
initially 2 machines and with plans to covering
a large part of Sri Lanka with freemail.

I have also looked at AUTOTURN on how to install serialmail
and have come up with a problem on how to intergrate the script
that has been suggested in AUTOTURN with your script

Could you kindly suggest a way of making
serialmail work with your script

I have myself too little understanding of this script to be able to
formulate it myself.

the part of your script that starts up qmail-smtpd
    echo -n " qmail-smtpd"
    supervise /var/supervise/qmail/smtpd tcpserver -v -x/etc/tcp.smtp.cdb
        -u$QMAILDUID -g$NOFILESGID 0 smtp \
        /var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd-wrapper 2>&1 | setuser qmaill accustamp
| \
        setuser qmaill cyclog /var/log/qmail/smtpd &

    echo "."

the part from the faq for your easy access
3. Replace



      sh -c '
        cd /var/qmail/autoturn
        exec setlock -nx $TCPREMOTEIP/seriallock \
        maildirsmtp $TCPREMOTEIP autoturn-$TCPREMOTEIP- $TCPREMOTEIP

   in the tcpserver invocation in your boot scripts. Reports from
   maildirsmtp will be sent to the same place as reports from tcpserver.


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