Erm ... is this mail getting through ... if so, 

I have the following Questions. 

Hi all , 

I am currently attempting a Sendmail ---> Qmail moveover. 

We have 3 or 4 sendmail servers that i would like to replace with a single
Qmail server. 


1. Would someone point me to the doccies on how to use a Database for all
aliases and perhaps Mailing lists and Vhosts, 
    i will be looking at using Ezmlm for the mailing lists, and Mysql for
the Database. 
    We currently use MajorDomo for the mailing lists, is there a way to
easily move all the lists from that to Ezmlm. 

2. Has anyone got a web interface that uses RCS to keep track of who did
what with Vhosts and Aliases ?  I know that Qmail-admin is available. I may
need to make changes to allow for the RCS. 

Has anyone moved 2000 +  Aliases  and Vhosts and mailing lists from a
Sendmail server to Qmail. If so how did you keep track of everything.  

Thank You. 

Tony Wade
The Internet Solution
Tel:    (+27 11) 283 5483
Fax:    (+27 11) 283 5401

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