Here's my problem.

I'm having a problem receiving mail from a specific site. They are running
NTMail and we are running Qmail 1.03. Mail sent from this site is being
returned to the senders after 4 days or whatever. Their log shows repeated
entries saying

waiting 10038

and mail destined for our site is constantly being deferred. If I watch the
connection from
our MX, I can see the mail coming down and then the connection seems to be
dropped suddenly. The even weirder thing is that some messages seem to be
through OK. I'm wondering if it's a bare LF problem as occasionally the
qmail bare
lf error appears in their log file.

I'm starting to panic as I'm not sure if this is happening from other sites
as well. Can anyone please give me any pointers as this has only started
happening after moving from sendmail and I don't really want to go back!

Any pointers much appreciated.

Simon Rae

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