On Wed, 14 Jul 1999, Aleksander Rozman - Andy wrote:
>For example I have email [EMAIL PROTECTED]  on my machine (I use
>atechnet.dhs.org), and I also have email [EMAIL PROTECTED] at my cable
>ISP. I would like that qmail would check my pop3 account on kksonline.com
>and download it to atechnet.dhs.org. Some other users requested same thing,
>so that they don't need to check multiple emails, and also that mail
>doesn't accumulate on servers that have limits set very low and after it's
>filled messages bounce and some list automatically unsubscribe. So can this
>be done directly with qmail or must I use other utilities. 
>Please help me.

You'll need fetchmail to download the mails and pass them to qmail fo rlocal
delivery.  However, this is a very difficult thing to get set up - I did have
it working once, but now its broken and all incoming mail is not recognised and
passed to postmaster

good luck


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