Seems you are incorrect, I tested a few scenarios I also use fast forward
I have several alias for my user lets say me1, me2, me3 are all aliases for
1) sent mail to me1@host and me2@host, I received 2 mails
2) sent mail to me2@host and me2@host, I received 2 mails
3) sent mail to me@host and me@host, I received 2 mails

It seems that it doesn't care about duplicate recipients, why would you want
the alias3 setup the way it is anyway?  It seems you could better setup the

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Friday, July 16, 1999 9:10 AM
Subject: trouble with fastforfard, Help Pls.!!!

Hi! I'm using qmail1.03+fastforward 0.51+procmail delivery to
/var/spool/$USER Mbox on linux RedHat 6.0

Here is my /etc/aliases:
alias1: user1
alias2: user1, user2
alias3: alias1, alias2
If I send mail to alias3, it should send one copy of mail to user1 and
(user1 is a duplicate recipient. So fastforward will send a message only
one time).
But actually user1 got two copies....

My /var/qmail/alias/.qmail-default:
| fastforward -d /etc/aliases.cdb

Any idea?


Dmitry S. Levin

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