
    I am not sure why I am beating myself up trying to get the
dot-forwarding to work, I do have fastforward working on the old server. I
had tried to install majordomo and got nothing but problems, so .... I
found a HOWTO that took me through the steps of installing majordomo under
Qmail, but it used the dot-forward method of relaying.

My problem is this:

I am hosting nine virtual domains on one box using apache. I want to relay
mail that is sent to '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' to '[EMAIL PROTECTED]',
there are a total of 8 email accounts in the kfctristate domain: 'office',
'hamlin', 'newton', etc... Reading the FAQs and docs for Qmail leave me
totally in the dark on how to do this, all mail sent to
'[EMAIL PROTECTED]' bounces with the error of 'Sorry, no mailbox
here by that name (#5.1.1)'.

So, I installed the dot-forward package, replaced /var/qmail/rc with
/var/qmail/boot/home+df. Then edited /var/qmail/control/virtualdomains to
place a line in it as
'[EMAIL PROTECTED]:alias-kfctristate-ted_silver'. Then created
'~alias/.qmail-kfctristate-ted_silver'  with the contents of

The domain, kfctristate.com, is listed in the /var/qmail/control directory
in the locals, plusdomain, and rcpthosts files.

Would someone please give me a clue as to the problem here? I am stumped
and have no idea what I am doing wrong.



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