: >     /usr/qmail/bin/tcpserver -x/etc/tcp.smtp.cdb -u 65001 -g 65000 0 smtp \
: >      /usr/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd 2>&1 | /usr/qmail/bin/accustamp | \
: >      /usr/qmail/bin/setuser root /usr/qmail/bin/cyclog -s10000000 -n5 \
: >      /usr/qmail/log/smtp &
: > 
: > and that correctly opens a log file but nothing ever seems to get logged.  What
: > am I doing wrong?
: Add a -v to your tcpserver invocation.

Thanks.  That's got to be the fastest mailing list response I've ever seen.

  Matthew Harrell                          I love defenseless animals,
  Bit Twiddlers, Inc.                       especially in a good gravy.

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