Ira Abramov writes:
 > In a new installation I'm doing for a client, I found the need  for the
 > /var/qmail/control/recipientmap I used to use back in the 1.01 days. now
 > it seems not to respond, it's not even in the qmail-control manpage. was
 > it really canceled? is there an equivalent,

Yes.  You can now put a recipient on a virtualdomain rule.  So on my
desktop (which also has my wife's mail on it, but not others, I have in my virtualdomains:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:heather-vd

and I also have ~nelson-vd-nelson which has "&nelson" and
a ~heather-vd-heather which has "&heather".

All other mail goes to my server, which is the real

-russ nelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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